Does Anyone Experience Pain In There Feet With Fibromyalgia?
Oh yes!! My feet hurt, cramping, burning, tingle all at the same time!! Wakes me up out of a deep sleep!! I have been dealing with fibro probably since I was a kid!!
What Do You Enjoy On TV
I live with chronic pain and watch life go by from my recliner. I used to be a nurse and was too busy to watch tv.
Life looks a lot different from my recliner. I wondered what others like to watch on TV. I can't sew anymore and can only knit for awhile before my hands go numb.
I'm in the same situation. I love to crochet but my hands go numb and hurt till there's no enjoyment left
Cortizone Reaction
Yesterday I had a cortizone shot in my knee. I was up al night with fast pulse and pounding heart. I got 3 hours sleep. Is this common? I called the orthopedic dr and he said he never heard of it which I know is is listed as a side effect. I wanted to know how to make it stop,how long it lasts and is it dangerous. I also told himon my record to put "no cortizone "
I would go to the ER as this is not normal.
I am on a cocktail of painkillers, which l am told have all different uses. I am on high dose of pregabalin, baclofen, melofaxin and paracetamol, all of these combined l am told should ease my pain but they don't !!. I had a growth of bone on my spine, which was crushing my sciatic nerve and several discs. In 2009 l had major surgery, being told there was a risk of paralysis, but I went ahead as l couldn't stand the pain any longer and didn't want to give up and go in a wheelchair. The operation… read more
I can never do ice, I lovee heat and muscle rub,
Does Anyone Have Pain With Ribs On Both Sides
I have cervical stenosis with myelopathy plus lower back pain hurts to move even hurts to breathe
I have costochondritis
Inflammation of the breastbone
Horribly painful
Have had it for a long time
It's disgusting
Ribs and sternum very stiff
Have had cortisone shots
Did absolutely nothing
Have a… read more
I Have Fibromyalgia. What Helps You The Most With Pain And Fatigue?
I have tried @Lyrica and it seems to mess with my balance and vision.
How much iodine and tyrosine do you take per day? Thank you in advance.
Is There A App For This Web Site?
I wish there was. It would be a lot easier, especially on the "severe" "severe" pain days
I have psoriatic arthritis. Is Ansaid recommend?
DebbieCanyock - check out my answer just posted.
Skin Care
Just curious as one of the many symptoms of fibromyalgia is really dry skin
Mine is so dry and painful and cracks and bleeds
Was wondering what others use for moisturiser to replenish the moisture
I have tried Vaseline intensive care and currently using Nivea but nothing seems to be helping
Lupus and other things dry my skin out. Nothing seems to help and I have tried everything. The doctors have me using Cetaphil instead of soap.
Does Anyone Else Suffer With More Pain In The Fall And Winter??
My pain gets so much worse during these seasons.
Yes it is a pain in the butt; literaly and otherwise!! You threaten to move somewhere warm but....haven’t found winning lottery ticket yet!!! Lol🤪