What’s Your Trick For Enjoying Holiday Treats And Staying On Track? 🎃
Don't buy them. There are other options to hand out during trick or treat.
Try to eat healthy and not to many most people can get carried away by eating to many unhealthy treats
Make your own. You can find many sugar free treat recipes, and a lot of them are better than the high sugar high carb treats out there. You can bring a tray to holiday parties. You don’t have to feel deprived.
My appetite is not like it use to be now. As for holidays, I try to enjoy them and do everything in moderation. Why not treat yourself? I surely suffer enough, so I deserve it.
Keep the porch lights off and don't answer the door. Stay on my strict eatting regime and don't purchase anything outside of that regime. Just don't play, but make your own way with your own rules not allowing society and culture dictate.
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