Do You Feel Like You Are Just In The Way?
Does anyone feel like all you do is get in the way and slow everyone else down? As though everyone wants to get somewhere yesterday and you can't do so until tomorrow and so they are all ready and waiting at the door and you sometimes just end up passing on the trip, or activity, because you are still trying to get on your shoes and coat, so to speak.
Yep. I’m of no use to anyone so out of sight, out of mind. They forget that we gave our whole lives to them.
Do You Have Sweating Issues Regardless Of The Temp In Your Environment
Regardless of how cool/cold it is around me I will sweat a ridiculously large amount and my ears get red and actually feel hot. It's like my internal thermostat is out of wack, I can just be sitting for this to start so I was wondering if any one else has dealt with this and if so how do you deal with it
Personally I perspire a lot at night especially in the folds of skin and I get an itchy and red sweat rash and I use a talcum with aloe Vera in it or an anti fungal rash cream hugs from Judy in… read more
Did anyone else have to sign a contract with their Dr.? I had to sign a promise that I would not accept any controlled substance from any other Dr. Or his service will be terminated.
When I was taken to the ER with a fractured clavicle I had no idea what they were giving me in the IV. I FOUND OUT LATER.
I found out from my family Dr. That CBD drops will affect your urine test and will show up. BE FOREWARNED.
I signed a pain contract with my pain management doctor that basically said the same thing, but I would think they would make an exception if you had no idea what they were giving you or you weren’t… read more
National Pain Report...a Must Read For Everyone Fighting Back For Medication!!!!!
I happened upon a survey/Questioner from the national pain report. They are fighting back amongst the effects the opioid crisis is having, tying our doctors hands in properly treating us with the medications we need. They collected 1700 questioners along with each patients stories. A few weeks ago their findings and recommendations were brought before the F D A. We are fighting back!!!!! The findings and recommendations can be found in part one and part two of the report. They do have a… read more
Is Anyone Else Being Forced To Get Off Their Pain Medications?
I have been having a rough weekend with my pain and my depression/anxiety and more so, far of what is to come, after recently finding out I’m being forced off of my pain medication. My health insurance is stating that they are tapering me down due to the obvious opioid crisis going on in the world which I completely understand, but to leave me with so many questions, no choice in this decision, no non-opioid medications or alternative treatment options being considered or offered, no plan if… read more
There IS no opioid crisis with pain patients! The issue is illicit fentanyl
Doctors are terrified of the DEA
AND doctors are pushing suboxone/buprenorphine which are the most difficult opioids ro… read more
Has Any One Else Had Their Pain Meds Cut Because Of The Phoney CDC Report On Dosages 90 Mmg Morphine Equalivent ?
My doctor quoted some CDC report that was intended as a guideline for general practitioners that said no chronic pain patient should be prescribed more then 90mmg of morphine equalivent for chronic pain patients irregardless of pain levels or time on opioids. The DEA jumped all over this reccomdation and is using it to force pain doctors to drasticly cut medications, leaving millions of us in dire pain without help or hope.
Amen Sister!! We are preaching the same thing. Something needs to be done. Things are completely upside down. Close those BORDERS! Stop the synthetic Fentanyl from freely coming into our country. (My… read more
Why Are We Being Treaing Like We Are Bad People Because We Are In Pain
I know that they are bad people out there, but we are not one of them, and yet we get treated like we are bad, because we are in pain and what helps us is being decided by people who do not feel what we do
Stay Strong, We Are the Worriers!
Does Anyone Else Suffer Weight Issues Due To Medication?
Hi, I have been on Lyrica for about 6 months and have put on about 12 kgs. The problem is it is mostly around my middle section and added to the chronic pain it is getting me down. Has anyone else experienced weight gain while on Lyrica and how do you combat it. Really need to be able to lose some of this weight as the extra kgs are making my back pain worse.
No it did me no good for nerve pain.everyones different it could work for you xx
Is There A Movement To Join To Increase Awareness And Get Laws Passed To Protect The Chronic Pain Patient?
Chronic pain patients are being forgotten about and punished with all these new laws and pressure from the government and states regarding opioid use
Chronic pain patients need help to get the medication they need. Drug addicts now use meth, heroin, etc. They no longer use opioids because they are so hard to get. Help is needed. I am so tired of being treated like an addict. I want my life back, I need help. Opioids is all that helps. Why should I and so many others like me continue to… read more
I totally agree i suffer everyday because of it how can i help
How Do You Cope When You Feel Physically And Mentally Exhausted?
I struggle daily with various pains but usually push through and continue to work my 8hour days at work. More and more recently I am struggling with not only the physical tiredness but the mental tiredness. I spend most of my days complaining how tired I feel get home and physically feel like I can’t move or do anything else. I cannot seem to shake this feeling
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member, I will eat the passion fruit 1hen it's ripe.