Does Anyone Experience Pain In There Feet With Fibromyalgia?
I have pain from fibro and diabetes and osteoarthritis , most days it’s like having painful cement shoes on , makes walking and exercise a challenge
Yes, it is awful. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in1996. It was totally life-changing. I started having issues with foot pain for about a year ago. it involves the tops, bottom an actually my entire foot, both sides.
Yes definitely, my feet feel heavy, hot, swollen and tingle a lot. They also just ache sometimes.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member
I weaned off of Cymbalta over a 2 week period and didn't have any issues weaning off. I know that some people have a very hard time getting off of it. The emotional issue have now gone away. Hugs, Jean
I do not feel pain in my feet from fibromyalgia but I do feel tremendous pain from neuropathy.
Does Anyone Know Of A Fibro Friendly Doctor In Edmonton Alberta ??
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