I Would Like To Know If Anyone Has Tried Agmatine For Fibromyalgia And Chronic Pain..
Disclaimer.. I am not a doctor just my own guinea pig and can't recommend anything. Always check with your doctor 1st before taking a new supplement. I don't know if this interacts with ssris or antidepressant as this supplement helps with depression.
I am starting it tomorrow as I'm always using myself as a guinea pig lol. I've tried so many alternative treatments and supplements out of pocket. I saw many good reviews and articles about it. Surprisingly I never heard of it before until a week… read more
Hello, I am so afraid to stop the anti depressive med. I need all the help I can get because my pain is out of control.
Take care Love And Blessings
Michele aka Mickey
I took Cymbalta for several years it was the worst nedicine I've ever taken and hardest to wean off of the brain zaps were awful. I felt like my brain was locked and I couldn't feel any emotions not happiness sadness joy anger . It robbed me of life experiences. It took me months of lowering the dose to get off it. I got weaned off fenranyl in 5 days without any side effects but Cymbalta is a horrible medicine imo.
I have both Fibro and Lupus. I am so sick lately!! I only wish, I could get a good nite's sleep.
Rest is the best thing for control of the pain!!! I did not want to take anything but tonight after this post, I am taking something because I do not want to suffer more than I have too. I hope you realize if you do not get enough of sleep--do not think it will go away!!!! It will not go away, I know so, Please go to sleep and make a hot cup of tea for yourself. I pray you do not suffer because I suffer enough for everyone. I wish you the best and if you have a primary doctor. Ask him to give you something for sleep. I take generic Elavil and it works for me. Something to think about. I pray you keep in contact with me!!! (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
Always wishing you well!!!
Michele aka Mickey
Never heard of it....
Hello, I hope you have success with new meds. Keep in contact with
me. I would like to know your success with this new drug.
Does Anyone Know Of A Fibro Friendly Doctor In Edmonton Alberta ??
Wondering About Low Dose Ketamine? Anyone Using That?
Ketamine For Pain