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Ketamine For Pain

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Kingman, AZ

Has anyone tried ketamine? The new pain specialist I see gave me information on the use of ketamine for pain. He said its about a year commitment. you go weekly and they give it to you intravenously for 45 minutes, you go once a week, one to 4 times a month for up to a year depending on how you respond to the treatments. Supposedly it re-programs your pain pathways back to where they were before there was pain. I have heard so many things about it...any one here tried it?

January 23, 2017
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I had 1 hour Ketamine Infusions about 2 years ago. I had a Total of 4, 1 hr Infusions. The thoughts are, it is tremendous for PTSD and Depression. I can say, Yes it helped me tremendously. For Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome, No, it is NOT that effective on True PAIN- Deep, Hard PAIN. It was VERY effective for NEuROPATHIC pain.

For Severe Trauma, it is used quite often in the ER. This is so it not only calms you down, help with pain but so you will NOT remember the Trauma as much. This is given by an injection though.

My infusions were $500 each.

Myself, yes, I DO believe it resets Neurotransmitters. The point of causing amnesia for a Trauma.

But, you need to prepare yourself for the first one. You will experience something like never before. It is an out of body experience. I guess it is like , "Tripping", but I never did Acid and stuff before. Remember this:. Try to RELAX and not flip out...JUST GO WITH THE RIDE, and do not panic. It is hard to go back for the 2nd. But you would not mind going continually I do not think this Would be advised. I think if you did this Chronically, it would be MORE harmful than Opiates and Lyrica or Benzodiazapene's.

If you do not suffer from Deep Depression Disorder or PTSD, and Neuropathy, I DO NOT Think it would be that effective. You continue to take your meds as usual. I think SOME Pain Drs recommend and our willing to prescribe, most likely because it does not go against their DEA #, and it puts off increasing your dosages. AGAIN, if you do not suffer from what I stated and ONLY Hard Acute or Chronic Pain, you have to weigh your willingness to lighten your pocketbook! I hope this help's, Good Luck and please let us know your experience, Always Hugs ,Lou

February 27, 2019
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Wow this clinic is only charging $250 an infusion....

February 17, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

This drug has been around since the 60's. It is not FDA approved...but then again neither is marijuana....

January 25, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

G,Day i asked my Cronic Pain DR and he said yes it has been 6years since i had Ketamine as they had me on a Morphine drip with pca button with a Ketamin infushion as i had an open gall bladder out it stoped me from Smoking as well with no cravings after 40 years of smoking never had another smoke as there over a Dollar a smoke here $35 for a Pkt of peter jackson 30,s started saving all my smoke money it was Great .Does any one know how they give a Ketamine infushion for cronic pain treatment how many days does it take any help would be most Greatfull for any advice ?
All for Free to boot Medi Care pay for it .

February 20, 2019
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

thats right now i remeber what it is its a general anasetiac (or however you spell it)i remember as a young nurse now that some anasesioligest used it and eveyone that had been given it we had to put a card with a large letter K on it and we were not to wake them under any cercumstance (please undrstand i cannot spell never have been but i think what i mean gets across??)and it is now used for horses,it could well work if carfully administered,please keep me updated on how you go with it??

April 1, 2017

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