Chronic Pain From Sciatica In Very Old Age And Cardio-vascular Problems Together With Sings Of Depression. Which Medication Is Safe.
My mother in law has strong chronic pain from sciatica. She was prescribed by gabapentin, hydromorhpone adn tilenol-3. From gabapentin she became very drowsy and sleep most of time of day. And slow she start develop tollerance to opiates. Old dosage is not enough for her. Second question, she start to cry very often. I want to try some of antidepressants which can be used to treat chronic pain. I can try nortiptyline or cymbalta. Nortriptyline is good and acting really fast, but she has atrium… read more
i am taking trazodone and norco and gabapentin for pain and depression. these 3 are working very well and for that i am so grateful!! i hope your mother-in-law gets the meds she needs!!
Thank you.
There are different THC gummies that help with nerve pain or mood.
For Opioids, I liked the Fentanyl patches. My stomach did not take pills well.
Even better I am off the opioids now, just THC.
I take the gabapentin and I I've taken cymbalta before you need to ask the doctor but with pain meds and the gabapentin, cymbalta she will be sleeping all the time. I think gabapentin sucks the life out of you all you want to do sleep. I did so much better with norco 10 and cyclobenzapr I had a life now it's antidepressants or blocks that don't work I've said it before we people with pain are cash cows for the doctors and the hospitals with a very bad out come for us money money for them and we are still in pain.
Oramorph Does It Work For Back Pain ?
I Have Had A Pain Block Injection In My Ackilies Tendon. Has Anyone Else Had It? This Is My Second Night Without Sleep Thank You All
Does Anyone Have Burning Pain When They Sit?