Does Anyone Have Burning Pain When They Sit?
Anyone else have pain in one or both legs when they sit? I can feel the burning sharp pain whenever I sit and the longer I do the more I feel it and will a sharp electric like spasm in addition to the other pain. I am thinking I have a trapped nerve there but I don't know how to know for sure.
Hi Cait!
I can easily relate to you. I had surgery two years ago on my left hip joint because of a tear I had. My cartilage was destroyed, my bones had to be shaved down to fit into my socket again and I had 4 pins put into it to hold it together. After surgery I noticed a burning sensation when I sit for periods of time and it becomes very uncomfortable. I was told that with most cases a burning sensation is your nerves either inflamed, irritated, being pressed on or just overall damage. I started taking a medication that is widely used with chronic pain patients called Gabapentin. It has easily taken the burning sensation away although I will admit at times not even this medication can fully calm the pain. I also take 500mg each night of magnesium which has been proven to act like a calming medication towards nerves. Some of our bodies just do not make enough of this so by taking 500mg nothing more then 600mg a night can help greatly! Also nothing terrible will happen if you exceed that dose other then a overactive pooper!
Hi Cait it sounds to me like sciatica i also get it running down my leg. If you can go to physio you may get some relief its the only thing I find helps
It is Sciatica...I have it and its bloody agonising ....debilitating ..frustrating.. Depressing...can't sit stand or walk for more than 5 mins then pain kicks in....BIG time!!
I get a burning sensation all over my body... to me it feels like I have a really bad sunburn under my skin. I also get like lighting strikes through out my body without notice... sometimes I feel it could knock me on my hiney!! My doctor has put me on muscle relaxers to help with this and also temazepam to that at night to help with the shocks because that's when they seem to happen the most... when I'm trying to relax and fall asleep.
Sounds like sciatica. I have them symptoms mainly in my left leg. Sometimes it feels like a power surge down my leg then the bottom of my foot goes hot
Anyone Burping Whenever Stretching Through The Pain Or Getting Pressed On The Painful Area (like My Upper Back)?
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