Well This Is A Bad Day. Ever Feel Like Everything Bad Seems To Seek Out Your Depression Days?
So yeah I had aqua therapy yesterday and I am in pain today, we are both depressed and trying to get through it and we just found out Anthony Bourdain committed suicide, due to depression! On top of all this, there are certain people who I am trying to distance myself from, that won't quit texting me in an attempt to pull me back in. I am already in pain, am depressed, they disrespected that and caused me trouble and I find out Anthony died! What's a person to do?!
Yes and it sucks and no one understands or believes.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member Hi there and please know that depression does not need to be the end of the road or the end of your life. I have been and am still depressed. I did try suicide 30 some odd years ago and ended up getting a good night's sleep. My thinking was such that I would tell myself that I was such a loser I could not seal that deal. Something I am beyond grateful for. Had I succeeded I would not have my grandkids or had my youngest be my best friend. I would never have seen the Great Wall of China, twice. So many things that have been wonderful would never have happened. I got therapy and antidepressants and with work many issues left. Many remain and that is life but I can choose how I want to feel. Somedays are my wallow in self pity days. Others are my screw this, I got stuff to do days. If you are depressed get help even if it is a self help book and your Primary Care doc giving you antidepressants.
I want to say, because of how upset you are, that the primary cause of death for Anthony Bourdain was not depression but an addiction to cocaine and heroin. You just had to look at his face to see what I thought of as the ravishes of alcoholism. The way he drank, mixed with two potent drugs took him to his death. What ever depressed him was fertilized by drugs which are in themselves depressants. I liked him. I watched his show. I am beyond destressed that someone with his money did NOT GET HELP. If nothing else comes out of his death the jump in calls to suicide crisis lines has been increased by 25% nation wide. If one person gets clean from this then the universe is somewhat balanced. If you believe in prayer then pray for his soul. If you are Wiccan or Pagan light a white candle in memory. Do what makes you feel better.
Last but not least is your unwanted caller. Tell them not to call and why. The other way is to block them on your phone and elsewhere. Easy peasy. The first is hard the second is easy. You decide. I am not unfeeling. I sound like it. I am a survivor which is what I want for you. Hugs and Bright Blessings. Barb
I think they kind of feed on each other and it kind of goes without saying, but that is maybe just me. I do know the best thing you can do, if possible is not let the depression take you over and it`s hard I know. As far as alternatives I found my hobbies help and some medications I could take did or do but of course it`s different for others. One I really miss that I can`t take anymore is indocin. I can`t use it anymore because I have clotting now and the med for that and the clotting itself is at cross purposes and deadly in use with it but boy did it help with my pain from the inflammation. If you have those problems with the inflammation and not the clotting? Might want to mention it to your doc if you have any use of it. Someone else mentioned hydro therapy which is great and the other thing is to MOVE. Just not too much lol. But not moving at all will make things worse to so it a double edged sword as the old adage says. I wish I had a magic wand and could just wave my pain-and everyone`s away. Not that easy I guess. But the depression is even worse if it gets in and takes you over so all i can say is? Fight it, and I know that isn`t easy. I let mine take me over for a long time and it nearly cost me everything. I was on my way to losing my wife and drinking myself into an earlier death and had pretty much decided it was better than the pain, that was about 6 yrs ago and since then good things and bad have happened but I deal and I have my wife who is a nurse to help me. That`s another part of this. All these yrs of pain I fought her and she knew and knows so much more than I will ever know about so many things it ridiculous, then again sometimes I`m a fool so it all becomes more apparent if you know me lol. I hope you get some relief and some especially from the depression fast-that sucks and it drains you so whatever it takes even stuff like watching a comedy act-whatever to just knock it down that will help. Dave lettermans stupid pet tricks=stupid humans whatever. Take care
Did i mention i`m a fool and go one too long?
I like watching movies too
When I’m having a particularly bad day, I try to watch something funny on Netflix. Like some old favourite shows that are guaranteed to make me laugh. That’s what my therapist recommended. She said laughter is one of the best things to pull us out of a depression. I also follow some really funny feeds on Instagram and sometimes I will just go through the whole feed for a good laugh!
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