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Jaw/Right Side Face Pain And Eye Tenderness. Any Ideas?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Chatham Kent, Ontario

I suffer from IBS, I've recently had costochondritis, chronic pain/fatique/inflammation but no diagnosis, right side jaw pain with face pain and eye tenderness...lower back pain, suffer from cervical radiculopathy (diagnosed during this last winter), early signs of osteoarthritis, the list goes on....

I'd appreciate any input on the face/jaw pain part with eye tenderness. Tried making an appointment with my Dr but the receptionist was treating me like I don't have issues. It's frustrating and… read more

September 11, 2017
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I would try a maxiofacial dr...could be tmj...but they are very good at figuring out face pain...i have tmj and i had an accident where i broke 5 bones in my face and severed the main nerve most people cant tell...i massage that whole area where u have pain a couple times daily it may help...good luck

September 14, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Hi @A MyChronicPainTeam Member I am not sure if your health care is just different from ours I find talking to folks here from around the world that while they are all similar they operate in slightly different ways, however Doctors the world over are similar in as much as by & large they don't like it when the patient tells them ... anything really ....but you can lead them if you put it the right way. If you know the doc well then the subterfuge may not be necessary but they like to think "I am the trained person so I know!!!" lol
The more I have looked at what you say the more convinced I am that it is your auto immune system. I have had the Cervical spondylosis (radiculopathy) for about 50 years now it was the start of early onset arthritis. IBS is also associated. This disease attacks in different ways so we are all the same.... & different at the same time I wondered about Lupus also in this group but I don't think so. My feeling is that without knowing it you have had odd symptoms for some time just didn't realise that was what was going on.
If that is the case then because you use your jaw..... don't we all... quite a lot you will feel it more & chances are it is affecting the nerve which is giving you pain from the jaw up to your eye. If I am right then treatment is not easy to find. Are you on nonsteroidal ant inflammatory meds Glucosamine/Diclofenic/Naproxen there are dozens of them& you need to be on them for a while before it has an effect on the inflammation but you can try local treatment be careful not to get anything IN your eye but brufen /Voltarol gel if the joint is hot then cool rub, if cold then heat. I am sure I heard of someone getting steroid injections but it was a while ago so I cant be sure.
I would anticipate the MRI not showing up anything of import so doc might not be sure if there is anything he can do for you. Depending on what you are on medicine wise some slightly stronger analgesia may be in order The good news is that it may settle down if you can relieve the inflammation the bad is that it will almost certainly flair up again. I am a real bundle of sunshine I know!! but you should talk to the doc get him to tell you what he thinks. Lastly the receptionist has no right to refuse you an appointment tell her it is to discuss test results the rest is none of her business. Good luck

September 13, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Hi @A MyChronicPainTeam Member Sorry this will have to be a short answer at the moment, I will try to get back to you & hopefully others will have had some input.
What struck me most about what you said is that most if not all are part of the autoimmune system . The face/jaw pain could very well be attached to the arthritis, pain /fatigue etc all suggest an immune system under pressure. I personally do not tell receptionists much.... or anything really what you need is a good come back for them. Very polite voice... "OH I am sorry I didn't realise you were medically trained but I don't want to discuss it in public dear, health issues are very private ......don't you think???"

September 12, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Thanks everyone. So could be a possibility. I tested positive for both ana and anti dna but my doctor thinks it's a false positive. I retake things in a couple of months. And thanks for all the advice. I have started massaging my face, doing facials for relaxation, etc. Hoping to see the surgeon soon...

If it's auto long to find out for sure? It seems like I just keep seeing the doctor but no concrete information.

September 14, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

... want the migraines to settle down. They are severe; it would be $1200.00/ time and I would have to go in every 6 weeks for fillers. It works out to $24 000+/ year with out coverage. So I am stuck taking pills!!! Of which don't catch all the migraines. On the bright side I am not having as many well the distance between us getting a little bit further apart.

September 13, 2017

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