How Does Everyone Deal With Their Pain Levels When The Weather Changes?
I'm always hoping to find some answers here too. pain meds....oxycodone, methadone, zanaflex, neurontin, cymbalta and zoloft for depression & anxiety. They don't really help. I'm in a pit of depression now. going to talk to dr.
Sleep is an escape. tho o>ften I'm stuck in a pain filled nightmare. I read, watchbtv, movies, documentaries, etc. Heating pads, heat wraps, tens unit, neck and back massager, arnicare gel, Otc pain patches. i try stretches, some easy simple yoga. Chiropractor does massage, cold laser therapy. I love aquatic therapy. That being said, the pain is still horrendous, relentless.
I take one day, one hour at a time. I can't think beyond that because then it's too much. i just can't imagine another 6 mos, a year...5 years...while it's not terminal illness it does steal your life away. I'm not the person I used to be, and I'm not fond of who I am now. I want my strength back. I want my job back, and my life, joy, my paycheck. i want to be productive and useful.
I find a nice warm bath and a hot cup of tea before bed can really help. While I’m in the bath I set up the heating pad to warm up my spot in bed. Then I put on nice warm Pj’s and wool socks. I also have a small humidifyer on my night stand that doubles as an essential oil diffiser. Lavandar scent helps relax and put you to sleep. Sometimes I sub the tea for a glass of vino 😉
Sleep if I can. Whimper.
Leaves pretend to be nice, now I know they are not.
Snow coming and I can not stop it. Will keep up with the Pool work because I am the snow shoveller. Previous years I was brought to tears because of the pain. I need more stamina.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member I tend to fall into a hole at the end of daylight savings, but I know this is the case with a lot of bipolars so I'm not alone. I know many bipolars have trouble with light changes both in the spring and fall, which is definitely the case with this bipolar. I know I get really achy when the weather gets cold and rainy, and the only thing to do with that is stay active and try to ignore what's going on with my body because I really have no pain meds. I live in the great state of Washington where we are in the Forefront of the movement to quash people having opioids. It's hideous. Other than that... I hibernate. The best move I can do is to try to help other people, because that really makes me feel good and gets me out of myself.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member I just want to say that everything you wrote in this post could have come from my mouth. I do everything within my power to cope. Drs took away my morphine after being on it for 20yrs, all because of DEA pressure. I'm on Neurontin and Trazadone but they do nothing for the pain. The only relief I get now is if I can get into a semi comfortable position long enough to fall asleep. Sleep is my only escape now.
I didn't use to be this ugly, negative, cynical, useless human being... Even getting online has become overwhelming, so I have fallen behind on keeping up with this site. It is the only solace I find.
Prayers for you
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