Self-advocacy becomes a necessary skill when living with chronic pain. Many people with chronic pain report that they must repeatedly remind their doctor of their pain levels and needs. Others say that they stand up for themselves to pharmacists, pain management clinics, even family members who don't understand pain. Advocating for yourself can feel lonely, yet so many people experience the emotional toll.
On MyChronicPainTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with chronic pain, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Advocating for yourself is one of the top topics most discussed.
Here are some conversations about advocating for yourself:
Here are some question-and-answer threads about being a self-advocate:
• National pain report...a must read for everyone fighting back for medication!!!!!
1 in 12 Americans Lives With Debilitating Chronic Pain
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member
I don't like how I can't describe my pain... ugh.... some days are better than others.... the pain medicine isn't working... it's very frustrating.... I don't think my daughter quite… read more