Has Anyone Had Successful Treatment For CRPS? Does Botox Or Acupuncture Work? Looking For New Pain Treatments. Thank You.
CRPS is chronic reflex pain dystrophy. It is a permanent nerve condition that causes constant, never ending pain. It is often the result of an injury but instead of getting better and recovering, your nerves never heal.
Thank you for the "welcome" message. I'm here because my sister has CRPS and has been in constant pain for 15 years. I'm here to learn and help.
Welcome kathym. It's the best pain group.
@,kathymonk. You know I think iv got this.as iv tried numerous procedures.my nerve pain never gets better it is constant.thankd tor this kathy from Lorraine 🤗⭐
I apologize if this is a really dumb question but what is CRPS? I'm learning about so many different illnesses and disabilities in this group.
Good Evening..... Has Does Anyone Deal With CRPS.? How Would You Describe It?..
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