Does Anyone Here Have Myofacial Pain Syndrome And If So How Do You Treat It?
I too have Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome. The best way I have found to describe the pain is its comparable to having a huge muscle spasm in my back (throughoutthroughout my entord back), that does not stop. The most effective treatment, I have found is trigger point injections. My doctor can usually numb my back up. This lasts about 5 to 7 days. The only medication I have found to somewhat effective is a very strong narcotic combined with an anti anxiety medication.
I wish you all the best and please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I have been dealing with this for 20 years now.
yes...i have myofascial pain disorder along with fibromyalgia and difficult recovery from lumbar fusion surgery. i dont have anything that i do to help with the myofascial pain. i would love to hear also, about others who have found successful remedies. i feel for you
I have blephrospasms and have botox injections I am not sure if that is the same but would love to hear from you
Thanks for the feedback
i do deep tissue massages, expensive and i bought a 4000.00 massage chair with full body compression an heat
Does Anyone Else Have Experience With Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
Does Anyone Take Lyrica For Their Chronic Pain, If So Does It Help And Do You Take Anything Else With It,
They Offered. Spinal Surgery And Then When I Asked They Said I’m Sorry You’re Too Young! What. Ann I Supposed To Do ?!!