Do Cbd Gummies Help Anyone With Pain? Or Sleep? Or Just Stay With Muscle Relaxers?
Hey I used to work at a medical dispensary. I just wanted to add that thc can be a powerful component to assist with altering the brain to mask and help with managing pain.
There are gummies that exist that are thc alone. There are also cdb gummies. CBD is a bit more going to give physical effects rather than mental. Alot of folks use it to ease pain, relax muscles, detach from the physical aspects of pain.
If you are able I'd recomend a product that has a 1:1 ratio. You can try each and decide what you prefer- effect wise.
THC does help activate CDB so if you want to try a cbd only product make sure it at least contains a small portion of THC to activate the cbd.
Good luck! Happy to help try to answer any specific questions. Also remember that edibles are processed by the liver unlike consuming marijuana by smoking so effects are maximized.
I don’t get any side effects but the more muscle relaxers over time you start getting brain fog so I stopped and was using the thc but it wears off fast and I’m up by 6 am bc of my hot flashes from menopause plus my pain. So I switched back to Tylenol pm bc it’s been over a week and I actually slept in! 8:15 I haven’t slept in since last February. So I gotta switch between meds so I don’t get too use to them. It sucks I hate every minute of dealing with this. Thank you for your feedback I appreciate it and I’m happy I can just vent and never be judged
So my husband gave me a small piece of a thc mint and it worked. I slept u mean the pain was there but I only woke up twice to put my heating pad on so there’s that. I don’t think anything will take the pain away I don’t think any pill does unless you can have surgery but I found something else to help with the sleep
yes, I use the Sleep Gummies. CBD Salve cream reduces the pain.
I’m just glad you have something that works some of the time! Glad to hear you are getting some sleep! It’s so essential for us when we deal with pain all day! Have a great day!
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