Are There Any Programs Out There Include Families In The Process?
I am finding that my family (my adult kids) don't really seem to understand how difficult it has been to live with this for almost 20 years. To have a way to help them "get" that there are times I just can't. Not won't, just can't do things. I'm overloaded and flattened. They seem to view it as lazy and unmotivated.
It hurts to know the best people in our lives can't understand what we go thru. I missed bonding with my son over this s**t. He's 30 and still we have no real bond. 😢
I am so fortunate to have a supportive family! My mom had chronic migraines so I guess we all learned to be patient and supportive. I know a lot of people don’t understand chronic pain because it is “invisible “. Hopefully this group can help offer some support!😍
They Are Cancelling The Daiichi Sankyo Program.
Ketamine For Pain
Why Are We Being Treaing Like We Are Bad People Because We Are In Pain