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Anyone Taking Clonazepam For Movement Disorder Or For Restless Legs?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Woodstock, GA
September 23, 2023
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I took Ropinerole for many many years. But I started having more movement disorder, fidgety, couldn’t sit still. So dr had me decrease Ropinerole till I didn’t take it at all. At same time started clonazepam, 1/4 mg a day. Restless legs gone, but it seems I still fidget a lot. As long as I don’t have rls, I’m happy. I ran out of clonazepam b/c of a delivery issue, rls back, so put theraworks on my leg so I could sleep. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes well enough to get to sleep.

November 25, 2023
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

If it offends you. Sorry it's science. This is my life story all true if it offends you to read imagine living it.

January 22, 2024
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I just never saw before how delusional people can be on here. Anyone who thinks that pain medications such as oxycodone morphine hydrocodone Dilaudid are not addictive they are delusional because scientifically if you take that everyday your body becomes dependent on it. Believing otherwise killed a lot of people believing otherwise will continue to kill a lot of people so it's irresponsible and an uneducated opinion. Benzodiazepines such as clonazepam Xanax another sackler favorite Valium Soma cyclobenzaprine are also all scientifically proven to cause dependency to change your brain chemistry regardless of who you are and whether or not addiction runs in your family.It again has been scientifically proven so if you do decide to use these medications because I'm not saying that you shouldn't you cannot lie to yourself because it can kill you I'm doing you more of a favor by telling you this than anyone ever did for me.

January 22, 2024
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Sure bruh it's all the addicts fault.. Sorry channelling my teenage son as your and many others responses are typical and quite simply why lots and lots of people are dead. Oxycodone wasn't addictive either unless you abused it right. I get pain I have 3 artificial joints a L4- L5
that's surgical... I never ever used drugs before doctors gave me enough oxycodone to anesthetize Michael Jackson i was a zombie. I saw that the folks I trusted lied. as "good" "non addict" "non mentally ill"folks around me became shells stole abused as in shot up snorted and just became low lives in general thanks to sacklers perfect drug.... I quit cold turkey from 540 oxycodone 240 Norco 180 soma 90 Clonazepam a month and no it wasn't pain management a GENETICIST GAVE ME MY START. Believe me sir with all due respect let's take that Clonazepam away sir and see do you have increased anxiety inability to sleep restless leg your body is addicted it's science sir. I agree with the lady above about kratom but not the atypical antidepressant because here's the honest truth it changes your brain chemistry but constant chronic pain does too and before anyone here calls me out. I want you to understand I know kratom is addicting too but my dose has never increased... Because it can be addicting and the extracts are shown to be hard on the liver. I live in a legal cannabis state and I don't go to the Dr really since my failed knee replacement that went horribly wrong as it was same day surgery where my inexperienced boyfriend had to sign that he would care for me. Which would be fine if you still got a 5-day hospital stay and five days of rehab in a nursing home. However it's not a okay to release someone after having their leg cut off because that's what a knee replacement is. To go home and run out of pain medicine within 3 days and then make that person go two more days with no pain medication that's less than 5 days after getting your leg cut off and screwed back together. So go figure after two joint replacements I got my first major infection in a joint replacement. medications are supposed to be used right after surgery and in cases of trauma. I had a doctor who was a sadistic jerk. My point is Sir if I can say after everything that I've been through and still will have to go through I will take those medications in the case of joint replacements but I don't think I'm even going to ever have a joint replacement again because I can't trust doctors to be honest with me so I will be in a wheelchair when both my over 20 year old hips fail oh by the way I'm only 45.

January 22, 2024
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

People I have been on Klonopin for over 20 years for my anxiety, panic disorders, stress, and more. I take 3 of the 2mg tablets a day and it's a very very good & effective treatment for any of these symptoms and more. Yeah everything can be addictive and abused but you just have to maintain and take what's prescribed and working for you. There's nothing wrong at all with taking the Benzo's.

December 20, 2023

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