Has Anyone Went To Chiropractor For An Adjustment Then Had Increased Pain?
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member, my friend is almost paralyzed from a chiropractor who also refuses to release her records.
I don't feel comfortable going to a chiropractor.
Hi, more than 20 years ago, I visited a chiropractor, and she has torn my neck so bad, now I have osteoarthritis in it. I would not let a chiropractor touch me if you have me a million dollars.
I am NOT a candidate for a chiropractor because of the rods and screws in my spine. And I'd be too afraid to let anyone mess with my neck because of stenosis. I'd just rather not have anyone touch my back. 💖
I went to the chiropractor for quite a while before they changed my diagnosis from sciatica to SI joint issues.
I was often in pain immediately after and sometimes "next day after a workout" sore, but overall I think it helped me a huge amount. My body is much more limber and my baseline fibro pain is better.
I'm not going right now because my physical therapist wants me to take a break, but I generally feel very positive about it
Yes especially as I’ve gotten older. I would have a four day flareup Of my fibromyalgia . I would go back for short period of time ,if I had something acute
Has Anyone Tried Chiropractic? Has It Helped Reduce Any Of The Pain?
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