Occipital Nerve Injection
Just wondering if anyone has had an Occipital Nerve injection due to have one next month and wondered what to expect?
Helped me a lot , had them done 3 times several years ago
They are great and it usually takes 3 times. It helped me a lot with pain and dystonia.
I've had the nerve blocks. I find they don't last very long but if they're willing to give them to you- they can be very helpful.
Did you get the injections? Upper or lower occipital nerve? I usually get them at least every other month, but my one doc refuses to listen and always does the upper occipital nerve. Does wonders for tension headaches. If you get the upper- be careful brushing your hair-it can numb the back of your head fir a while and you may not realize how hard your pushing/pulling the brush. My neurologist will inject both nerves and it does help for a while. Many people get great results from them. A TENS unit with smaller electrodes can help if your able to get them positioned right. Sorry, I'm rambling again-i have lots of little things I do for the headaches from my occipital nerves. I hope they help/ed.
May i ask what reason would you get am occipital injection? Occipital neuralgia? What are they injecting? I've never heard of this before except I believe that's where people get botox for headaches.
I Have Had A Pain Block Injection In My Ackilies Tendon. Has Anyone Else Had It? This Is My Second Night Without Sleep Thank You All
Has Anyone Hac A Nerve Block Done For Back Pain?
Are There Others Here Who Suffer With Occipital Neuralgia?