Does Anyone Get Physical Pain When Stressed?
Yes stress can make pain worse. Lack of sleep. Worrying about job, school, schedule, children, etc.
Personally I like Dry Bar Comedy, and any comedy! Laughing is good medicine. Even if no one is around. Or no one else gets it. If you do fine. If you like horror movies that’s what makes you relax watch them! If playing role playing games where you get to cut off alien heads off or sword and shield stuff then do that!!
Skyrim is my thing! There is a art to killing Dragons and enemies! And you visualize your stress and pain dying with them. Might not be a great analogy but leave the stress in the virtual video world and find out your not alone.
Yes I do . It makes it worse cause when I am stressed I want to do more to calm down to reduce my stress level which creates more pain cause I try to force my self
Stress definitely makes pain worse!
thank you
Yes, stress cause it to increase and pain is mostly all over the place.
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