How Long Does It Take To Adjust To Gabapenten?
How long does it take to adjust to Gabapenten before you stop nodding off like a junkie and feeling lightheaded?
(Using for fibromyalgia and peripheral neuropathy/nerve root disorders in neck and lumbar- on day 6)
I do think its starting to work— feels like when a lidocaine injection starts to kick in, if anyone here reading this has gotten those for nerve pain before.
Hi , i take gabapentin 3 in the morning 3 at night,some people get very dizzy and feeling like you do,it only took me a couple days to get use to it and I find it really helps,drink lots of water when taking,everyone is different but if you can hung your side affects should subside and hopefully find some relief :)
I use it both for migraines as well as neuropathy. I've been on for quite awhile but when I first got it, it took about 2 weeks. I only took it at night for a week then went to twice a day. But I hear some people can't get over the wobblies. I hope it helps you in time
I "climbed" the WHO pain ladder as recommended by my neurologist for my chemo induced peripheral neuropathy and found that only Percocet worked for me...45mg/day. Not pain free but at least I can sleep better. We pain patients are being persecuted due to a hysteria created by PROP and one Dr. Kolodny...go ahead...look it up for yourself. It's unconscionable!
Most medication take a couple weeks,I take now ,900mg/300 ,3,times a day,it was just increased for my fingers/ hands and my sciatica,I would try and give yours the full 2weeks if still feeling that way maybe mention to your dr ,wish you all the best :)
I take 800 mg/day 1600mg of it at night and still only get average 6 or 7 hours of sleep plus Trazadone 100mg
Gabepentin Side Effects
For Those Of You Prescribed Gabapentin, What Is Your Dosage?
Hi Anyone Know. Pain Medication. Works Well For Full Body Pain Not Addicted.thanks.