Radiofrequency Ablation
How often can one get this procedure done?
I am scheduled for this procedure at the Allevio Pain Management Clinic in Toronto. Medications, alternative therapies, and cervical spine surgery have been ineffective in pain management. Healthcare professionals have told me that there is no pain management, that I have to learn to live with it and practice cognitive behavioural therapy (which I already been doing most of my life, ineffective) I am told this procedure doesn't work for everyone, but if it does it could last anytime up to 2 years. I've already tried nerve block and trigger point injections with no relief but I will try this procedure as it is covered under Ontario Health. There are other expensive treatments not covered under Ontario Health/Private Insurance - Botox, Ketamine infusion, and PRP but these are not guaranteed or yet proven to be effective. I have already spent thousands out of pocket over the past 40 years on specialists, therapists, and devices/pillows seeking pain relief as covered services have been useless.
I'm not sure how often you can have them but I was told that my MRI had to be under two years old for them to use it for ablation. I had mine 1 year ago and I am just starting to feel the pain coming back loud and clear but it worked well for a year
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