When you get notifications and you pull up them it says mark as red it doesn't change anything is it supposed to make them show as red how can you tell which one are already red if you push it on mine it doesn't change anything is it supposed to do something
When you finish reading a notification I go back up to where it tells you how many you have. When it brings back your notifications the ones you've read are white and the one's you have to finish reading are grey. This is the only way I know about.
Gotta refresh the page.
I don't have an answer right now! But I will try to find out and let u know
I don't know, never noticed.
Hi Mike! I never could tell either :-(
Hi Anyone Know. Pain Medication. Works Well For Full Body Pain Not Addicted.thanks.
I Am Not Receiving Any Messages!
How Do People Manage Pain Any Advice Please Message Me