It Seems To Be That The Federal Government Including The DEA, Won't Nothing More Than To Stop All Pain Medications,opiates Especially,
There doesn't seem to be a thing we can do about it,I've been cut down on the strength of my pain meds so much I'm never out of pain and have no quality of life,my only option is is to cut both my legs off just to get out of pain,it' crazy, I've never failed a drug test, I've always had my pill count and they still keep cutting me down., I see why the suicide rate for seniors is going up,what else are we supposed to do,they want us to die off anyway.
If you check the facts the CDC used as a basis for their study, you will find all of their patient research was done in VA hospitals. Sure there are chronic pain people there, but most of the time they were involved in a different kind of life situation. This is apples and oranges. Obviously the people that passed this legislation have done little research.
Get in touch with everyone that had a part in passing this law. Let's get this changed.
I did something crazy and may need a lot of support. I signed up to speak to the FDA at the hearing they are having in Sept regarding opioid use and other forms of treatment having incentive systems. I don't even have much faith in the FDA or the state Medical boards, but I saw the notice and said to myself Enough Is Enough. I am going to that hearing and when I have the microphone am telling them my hurdles, my pain community's hurdles and what the reality is! Truthfully, I am scared to death! But I figured if one of us didn't tell them they will keep working from a circle of people who don't really know chronic pain. If anyone has topics or comments I would love to hear them. I AM A PRIVATE CITIZEN WITH CHRONIC PAIN. I am paying my own way and represent only myself and the chronic pain friends that want to put in their two cents worth. It will be worth a lot to me! Feel free to pass this on to anyone you think. Later I'll post my ideas so add me to your team if you would like:) I'm scared about this, so no haters please!
That is soo right us chronic pain humans get grouped in with all the heroin addicts I’m soo f..king hearing about the opiate problem most of the people dying are using heroin because somebody cut them off they give us a bad name
Well, what you said is very very true, however, they ARE meaning Overdoses and deaths Due to Prescription Opioids. The numbers are limped but there is a Main Focus on Prescribed Opiates. The CDC meant the Guidelines for Primary Care Physicians. However, due to their Focus Research, all Heroin Addicts from 18-22 years of age started with Prescription Opiates. They also have targeted Seniors. These Numbers come from their access to the # of prescription's on Medicare Part D. They reviewed and have seen the # of Opiate Prescription's written as well looked at the # of Prescription's on Avg, a Senior has. This puts more Senior's at risk, they are think, because of mixing an opiate with something else, and having an adverse affect! The Seniors use in their mind, an ungodly amount of controlled substances to include Sedatives, Sleeping and medicine for ANXIETY. So they DO NOT want a Benzodiazapene written if you are on an Opiate.
Now, this is where it is complicated. The STATE Medical Board's get involved and they have added additional Threats to where if Any Physician writes over 90mg or equivalent, than they supposedly get Fined. Also being considered and added pressure is that they could be Fined by the # of Classified Control 2 Substances scripts they write.
So they have scared almost every physician in the AMA to death. But, backfire has comeback to them that Thousands of pain patients have suffered from Irresponsible Medicine. I myself, am suffering. I am on Palliative Care. I am taking less Opiates than in the last 20 year's.
So, it is important to voice your story if you have suffered from this. They need, DEA, FDA, and CDC along with your Congressman and News Media about how Irresponsible the roll out of this change has affected YOU.
Hope that helps!
The CDC has written a revised recommendation outline that is to be reviewed for approval by a focus group shortly. In it they are basically laying blame for our plight on prescribers, pharmacists insurance companies and anyone else who took their previous recommendations as a rule. They state that the recommendations were meant for family practice MD's rather than pain management and other specialists. If you look deep enough you'll find a letter from the CDC stating that figures they initially used about perscription opiods and ODs was over zealous. (My words not theirs as it's been about a year since I read that admission). There's plenty of blame to go around when it comes to the abuse chronic pain patients have and are suffering. Perhaps you remember that several years ago Bill Clinton did a tour speaking about the evil of opiod medication.
What advocates for chronic pain patient's realistic treatments, specific patient groups, individual patients and provider's, etcetera have been doing is going through every possible channel to reverse the trend of low and no opiod treatment. This resulted in several focus group reports. The culmination is the earlier mentioned proposed CDC recommendations and explainations. Within the next couple of weeks please go to the CDC site for the recommendation report, prepare your story and response to the recommendations and forward to the CDC specified address. In addition it's critical, in the opinion of many, that we all copy and send our stories to CDC, FDA, DEA, State and Federal Congressional Representatives, the President, Vice President, Governor and Lt Governor. If you are able call these people and if you have the where with all visit your Representatives. This may sound extreme, but for too many of us this is a life and death situation. Tireless efforts are resulting in what appear to be positive results for chronic pain patients and our families and friends.
May you be blessed with, if not pain free a tolerable week!
Us It True The Goverment Plan Is To Take Away Opiated From Chronic Pain Sufferers?
Are You Concerned About Losing Your Medications Or Have You Already Lost Them?
National Pain Report...a Must Read For Everyone Fighting Back For Medication!!!!!