Are You Concerned About Losing Your Medications Or Have You Already Lost Them?
Is anyone staying abreast of this whole #opioidscrisis #opioidepidemic #dea #Kolondny going on?
And, are you concerned about losing your medications or have you already lost them?
I'm so afraid of losing them. I've had spinal fusion surgery. But unfortunately that is only one of major pain areas. My surgeon told me that he can't give me pain medicine for to long or he will get in trouble. Its sad that they are threatening the drs with their license. The Communist government wants total control over everyone.
I am sorry you can’t even say things for fear they will change your meds. I got medical marijuana gummies to help me sleep at night. They are very expensive compared to the cost of prescribed meds. No one should have to suffer due to someone else missing drugs. People with chronic pain suffer need help.
I lost mine from pain mangement. She wanted me to take 5 mg oxycodone once aday. And i had to take 2 during the day to help me through the days. Cortisone shots didnt do anything. So I stopped goin to them For 6 months now I have been in so mich pain .osteoarthritis in knee, both hips & lower back had a left knee replacementin June 2020. Ever since then been having alot of gait problems cause the orthapedic stretched my surgicalleg almost 2 inches more So .walking with a cane & walker now. 😡😡😡
I'm not on any Opioids!! But I think it's terrible that the government is overstepping it boundaries!! I think it should be left to the Dr on what he perscribes! People like us need them to help us to continue to function! I don't understand it!! Gentle hugs!!
How are you now? This is horrible. My newest thing to help me with pain is acupuncture. I like going but nothing helps like opioids. Without meds I don’t know what I would do. Hugs.
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WA State Chronic Pain Patients Wiling To Stand Up For Your Right To Keep Your Opioid Medication And At A Dose That Works?
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