Did Anyone Had EMDR For Chronic Pain ( Or "tapping" )
With the EMDR method you can restore balast in your brain in another place of the brain were it loose his state as a trauma and you get a beter vieuw on it. Did anyone did EMDR and what where the results ?
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member , the important thing to recognize and follow scrupulously, is to not remove all the pain so as to not make yourself worse in the long run. I basically learned this trick after being sexually abused and i was too afraid to talk anout it. My sister was also at about same time by another peirson, but i only learned about it not long ago, but even my mom had been abused younger and she told me about it one time, horrible. compared to what i experienced, she had the worst. But to come back , yes you can block pain. If you use auto suggestion , you can control the amount of pain reducing you feel by degrees. I keep mine at a 1-2 degrees where 10 is highest. I hope this helps from Canada to the Netherlands
Do not know EMDR, but i have learned to put things into compartments , or boxes and i can take out or leave lost whatever i choose. This has been a great help for me but sometimes the damn breaks and i get washed away by the pain and hurt from days gone past. But for most part i have control over anything in my head. And i also use music as a modulator of emotions and pain. When listening to songs in my head , i very often follow the beat whith my fingers also so it seems to be apparent to your question, but yes it is possible to transfer things around in your head. I have moved being stabbed in the neck to a place so that i am no longer traumatized by people walking behind me outside, and i no longer cringe when others are running or have brusque motions around me, it takes a bit of work , but very doable. If trying , have patience with yourself.
Willemien to add to the question tapping is it good, actually anything can be used to distract you from pain, or anything else for that matter, my answer to the eternal question how do i change my thoughts or what is in my head , is Think of Something else!
I’ve used it for trauma but not for pain.!
Sorry to hear about your trauma . And big respect that you can handle it with focussing the mind . I know we can only feel pain because we regitrate it but i didn t know that you have so much influance on it. I know it a little bit by using Micheal Sealey on you tube with selfhypnosis tekst. I can bent the overthinking , panic and assiosations away that i have next to the pain. I really can calms me down but it can drop only 1 point of the scale because the stress went away.
Wish you luck and a good day
From al over the ocean !
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