Does Anyone Live Near Fort Smith, NWA Or Little Rock Arkansas? If So Can You Recommend A Good Pain Specialist?
thank you very much .
The bad thing is there are no good ones available anymore because they can't prescribe anything for pain either. People are growing desperate. I went to Medical Marijuana Dr. with God Bless my Reg Dr. Sent me with a report of all my chronic long term pain. They approved me for medical I have just been vaping cbd oil with thc sativa indica strain and it has helped but it is so weird having those feelings from the 70's and 80's trying to adapt to it. But I was left with nothing and I refuse to die in ultimate pain and I will not kill myself or go to streets I am not a junkie. Just want to feel normal as possible. To many suffers are thinking suicide or herion they are so desperate and in such pain that dealers are now waiting around the corner at pain clinics in Ohio. They are causing this to worsen by doing this to real chronic pain sufferers. We are not junkies and take medications properly for pain.Hope you can find a sympathetic Dr. who can help you out.I have added you to my team hope you don't mind.
i ve been thru so many drs. cant keep one long before they get locked up or licsence took . or just full up .
thats' what i m try n to find out , these guys want to know who your dr. is . gov has shut all the dr down . does anybody want to let lose any info on a dr in ky ?
Does Anyone Else Have A Crippling Fear As I Have? I'm Really Scared I'll End Up In A Care Home With This Pain And No-one Will Care. Alison
WA State Chronic Pain Patients Wiling To Stand Up For Your Right To Keep Your Opioid Medication And At A Dose That Works?
CRPS When Does It Stop Spreading ?