Does Anyone Else Have A Crippling Fear As I Have? I'm Really Scared I'll End Up In A Care Home With This Pain And No-one Will Care. Alison
One of the worst times for me was the time that I was constantly terrified about the future, particularly that i will end up in a care home and I'll have this pain still and I'll be saying to the staff 'I can't sit!!' and they will ignore me. I don't want to go back to having that constant fear, and maybe it helps to put it into words, so maybe other people might want to do the same. Bye4now, Alison
You are definitely not alone. If I was widowed tomorrow it would REALLY scare me. My husband thinks LITTLE of Doctors in general but I know he is my best advocate if I am out of it, I consider myself very lucky to have him.
Is that a Joyce Meyers study? I saw it also. Years ago I did another study by her. It was called Battlefield of the Mind. Absolutely life changing!
I just found a 30-day prayer study called "Find Hope in the Storm". Downloaded it of a site on FaceBook, of all places. It purposes to help deal with worry, fear, and anxiety, with the promises of God. I am going to start it today. Hopefully it will help. It focuses on the Word of God, the scriptures. I will let everyone know how it helps.
I too feel this Louise, you are not alone, I am in the most terrible pain today but think the meds are just starting to kick in. Cannot get up straight as all my muscles are in spasm. Take care, try to stop worrying as it will make you feel worse but I do understand I do this as well. Sending love and hugs. Ann xx
Yes,I have thought about that alot especially with all of the NEW pain medication changes and challenges all of us chronic pain people have to endure everyday!! Until this BIG MESS gets fixed I believe we should all be quite scared!!!--Jwisey
Does Anyone Know How To Chang The City You Live In On This Page? I’ve Tried And It Won’t Stay!
I Have Had A Pain Block Injection In My Ackilies Tendon. Has Anyone Else Had It? This Is My Second Night Without Sleep Thank You All
Do You Feel Like You Are Just In The Way?