Is Anyone Else Being Forced To Get Off Their Pain Medications?
I have been having a rough weekend with my pain and my depression/anxiety and more so, far of what is to come, after recently finding out I’m being forced off of my pain medication. My health insurance is stating that they are tapering me down due to the obvious opioid crisis going on in the world which I completely understand, but to leave me with so many questions, no choice in this decision, no non-opioid medications or alternative treatment options being considered or offered, no plan if… read more
I've had two doctors in my 60 yrs and was on oxycontin from the mid 90's until my doctor left the practice around 2016 due to the opioid crisis. I was then assigned to a physician assistant who informed me that I was to be taken off of my meds! When my husband and I asked what kind of plan was there for my pain management all I could get was "I have to protect my license"! When I asked if I could see another MD in the office, I got, "we dont allow our patients to doctor hop"! I was finally off the narcotics as of Nov '18 and my life has been hell. I have no ambition or reason to keep going sometimes. I believe my marriage of about 40 yrs is about over too. My appetite is gone and I've lost 25 lbs since Jan and am down to almost 100 lbs. I feel so defeated. Raised 3 successful kids, worked full time as a vet tech, and now most days, I cant even dress myself or even want to. Sorry for venting but no one understands.
I wish for you all a weekend of relief. May you find real relaxation and feel hope.
It's important that we find something that positive to do when pain has us down, I believe.
Although the CDC has finished taking comments for their newest recommendations, guidelines and definitions for this period we need to continue to be heard.
It's our voices that can make a difference. Our votes count. Letters, email and phone calls to CDC, FDA, DEA, the President and Vice President, our Senate and House Representatives, our Governors and Lt Governors as well as our State Legislature Representatives all need to consistently hear from us. Our Federal and State AGs should be added to the list and in our address books. We change the recipient's name and copy the email or letters. If we tell them our story and how we're affected by what's going on we become people and not just a number in a report. Updating monthly about our progress or lack of, asking a question so we may get moved to the "respond to" box, letting them know that we're real people. We're Moms, Dads, Sisters, Brothers, Uncles, Aunts, Friends. Except for an event or events that resulted in long term pain that cry's relief we're them. Speaking up and speaking out in a considerate voice is the way to get things done. For some of us it's possible to visit the State or Federal Capitol and or an office of our Representatives. Face to face communication is a plus. If the Representative is out a note in their visitor's book is impressive.
We all know of other's in our situation. Just think of the number of voices if we share.
Caveman if your on FB and you want to put in a friend request let me know. I’ll email you or text you to make sure your ok. I don’t like anyone being alone. Just to make sure you are ok. Let me know on here and I’ll give you my email address. That goes for anyone who has no one to check on them. I can’t do much. That or all of us can check up on you here . Just let me know.
Where do you live that you can get police help w your meds?
State med boards are regulating Dr's not RX opiates. If you are only seeing a PCP you need to find pain management. And even that's difficult!
2016 CDC Guidelines are to be re issued in March. Not holding breath it will help CPPs. Check sites like "American Pain and Disability" "don't Punish Pain rally" and many others on FB, etc. This has been an ongoing fight since 2015 +.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member
I know how things are going for anyone who is in real pain. Last month my insurance company said they are no longer going to pay for my oxymorphone. My doctor did write a letter to them but she didn't justify my real physical damage and need for it. So I ended up going 5 days without it. No weaning process no concern as to how much pain I have. I had only ever missed a dose of it a couple of times in the last 10 years. I think it was 2009 when they found the right combination of pain meds. During that time I was able to to take complete care of myself, help with some of my quadrapalegic daughter needs, visit with friends, do some of the wash, make our bed with the help of my husband. I was having a somewhat normal life. Now the doctor is proud of herself. She has made a 10% reduction in my opioids by switching from oxymorphone to long acting oxycodone. She plans on cutting my opioids by 10 - 15% every time I see her until I am at zero. This terrifying to me. I have had several surgeries on my left foot and the last one was because somehow while walking from Wal-Mart to my car the 2nd largest tendon in my ankle torn completely off the bone. I've had lots of PT but it has gotten about as good as it will probably get. So I have some constant pain there. My left knee needs to get looked at to see if it needs surgery because the last time it was checked out I had very little cartledge with arthritis. I have had 2 back surgeries. First one was L5-S1. They put a titanium cage in and some screws. Lots of hardware. The second was L2-L5 no cage but fusion was done and some kind of spacer was put in. I have tares in both rotator cuffs. They aren't large enough for surgery. They would need to be much larger for me to even think about shoulder surgery. Now I am having PT for my cervical area. It needs surgery but I'm scared. I really don't want to end up paralyzed. The damage is from.C1-C5. I have lots of neck pain daily as well as headaches. I also have neropathy from my knees to my toes. All of my medical problems are all backed up with MRI'S and x-rays. I am on total disability. I have depression as well.
At this time they have me taking: some kind of extended relief oxycodone, oxycodone for break through, cymbalta, baclofen and gabapentin. I think I can live at this level but they way they just stopped my oxymorphone was terrible. I believe the oxycodone is what she will be weening me from then the extended relief oxycodone. This scares the hell out of me.
What are others doing to help with the cuts and reduction in their meds? Wow sorry didn't mean to make such a long note. If anyone has read this all can you tell me what you are doing with your reductions?
BTW I also have a compromised liver and kidneys so can't use Tylenol or Motrin or anything like them?
Us It True The Goverment Plan Is To Take Away Opiated From Chronic Pain Sufferers?
Comments From People That Have Weaned Off Of Narcotics By Your Choice.
National Pain Report...a Must Read For Everyone Fighting Back For Medication!!!!!