What Do You Do For Pain
About the only thing i take is aleve for pain i hate taking pills of any kind most of the time i just deal with the pain i don't have insurance and working only 20 hour's a week so i can;t afford to go the doc the one place i was going to don't deal in chronic pain the visit's was only 25.00 a visit but with working only 20 hours a week is just enough to pay the rent thank god water,electric is included i have found that soaking in epsom salt help's some
Icy hot, also but not while using the keynote ointment a heating pad 20 minutes on 20minutes off
Same with ice pack
Use ice pack always for a new injury never heat
I don't have insurance either and the clinic that I was going to also is $25 but after a bad experience with my kidneys and going to the e r and being hospitalized after she just sent me home with even more antibiotics I just don't feel comfortable with her or any sliding scale clinic around here. I wish I could get the medical help I need but what makes a big difference for me is a hot bath and bc powder.. I heard yoga was really good but I haven't tried that yet..
Tai Chi and qigong have helped me cope.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member I was going to clinic that was on a sliding scale the last time i was there they told me they don't deal with chronic pain and won't refer to another doc or even send in for an mri so I wont be going back there so now i have to look for someplace else to go i was going to a place called christ community but my lawyer told me that since I am trying to get disability that christ community wouldnt be able to help so that is why i just use aleve for pain situation is very stressful
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