I Am Wondering If Any One Is Using CBD Oil?
I have been using cbd oil for 6 months and I have been able to cut way down on my opiate meds. It is really helping with my fibro. However, not so much with my joint pain right now. May have to have hip replacement. Any way if any of you are using it I would like to know how you like it...
I would be lost without medical marijuana. Since they took away my pain meds, this is the only source of relief I have available. I find a decrease in pain & spasm, better and longer sleep, and enough of an appetite (munchies!) to at least have something to eat at night. I smoke, use edibles, CBD oil, and some other things recommended by the great staff at the dispensary I use. I thank God for the plant and feel better using a natural treatment than the opioids, though I have to admit that the narcotic pain meds did decrease my pain significantly and I have to work hard not to take it personally, that I am not being "punished" by the Opioid Crisis. Prescription medications killed my younger brother so I have trouble sometimes with anger and grief getting mixed up in accepting what is and doing my best with what is available to me.
I smoke my marijuana as it is cheaper but it has made a big difference in my pain, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. I also have fibro and was on methadone for 18 years for the pain but I started taking magnesium citrate and marijuana along with a low carb diet and was able to wean off the methadone. It's been 2 years now off it and it's like a whole new lease on life.
My doctor didn't just cut down my meds, he took them all away. Medical marijuana and a few of the other cannabis products are all that I have to help with the pain now, and all I can say is "Thank you, Mother Nature!"
Thanks for the hugs - good medicine.
I have less then a months worth of opioids left because I fired my doctor after he kept cutting my medicine, after that its just CBD ans cannibis , all the best.
I Use Edibles With THC; Who Has Used CBD? What Form? Did It Help?
Question About THC
I'm Curious I'm Wondering If You Take Cannibis Without THC Does It Cause Anxiety Or Does It Help Pain?