Some Of You May Be Familiar With Kratom. What Is The Best Use Of This And How Much Per Use?
I can get Kratom in capsule and powder forms. How should I use the powder and how much. If I get capsules, how much should I take at a time.
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member. It is an herb that some have found pain relief from. Some drink it like a tea and it also comes in capsules.
I have heard excellent things about Kratom. Is it a cannabis? I have tried four different strands of CBD, and found my pain worse and very tired, and I smoked marijuana for years. Here in Toronto the cannabis store have been shut down. Do not know where to purchase Kratom. Is there a website?
I have heard about Kratom. Is it like a cannibis?Tried smoking the CBS and my severe artritic pain got much worse and feeling very tired. Stopping smoking and feeling much better. Coming from someone who used to enjoy smoking weed. Go figure !!!
What kind of pain does it take care of, i have fibromyalgia pretty badly! Will this help with my fibro?
Thank you. I've been on opiod only for the better part of 25 yrs. I started cannabis as it is legal here in Michigan. My doctor surprised me with a drug test so now no more opiod. Can you give me an idea where to find Kratom, just in case. I've heard good things about it. Scared to death of withdrawals.
Has Anyone Tried Kratom For Pain Relief?
Has Anybody Tried CBD Oil For Pain? Or Know Much About It?