Has Anybody Tried CBD Oil For Pain? Or Know Much About It?
I know there are many ways to consume CBD, whether its by vape, tea, sweets or just oil drops. I've heard many people say its great for pain as well as other things like easing the withdrawl symptoms when coming off of medications. Has anybody any feedback in relation to CBD? It would be much appreciated!
I have tried the oil. It worked for 2 days then not after that. I have Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthrits, Type 2 Diabetes (insulin injections twice a day)and Sleep Apnea ( have Bi-level machine).
I am often in agony but any pain relief medications don't work. I still work full time in a job which I love.
Please read this poster I made with many great views from US Federal Senator from Ca, Senator Feinstein. Please read. Have a blessed day.....I use and need the Whole plant...Why? Cannabis has 421 Compounds in it, CBD is only one. I use THCA & THC medicine I make myself. Peace....
I just ordered some from Amazon
CBD oil...good topically for about 15-20 minutes
That's incredible. I use weed in natural form.
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