Has Anyone Tried CBD Oil?
Yes I have been using it for 6 months it has changed my life. I have been able to cut down on my opiate meds significantly. There is a fb page called cbd oil users. Its a good resource to educate about it and some good companies to try....good luck....
Not CBD, but I take a THC/CBH tincture. The doc said I would see results in two weeks, but I didn't. However, I stuck it out for 6 weeks during which time I enrolled in a program of nutrition counselling, a personal trainer, and a fitness coach. I credit the program, mostly the nutritional part, that finally gave me relief from 45 years of chronic pain. But, I still use the THC/CBH just in case it took a lot longer than two weeks for it to work for me. You can get either of both CBC and CBD oil on the Internet or at some cannabis dispensaries. The good thing about cannabinoids is they are legal to possess without a prescription. I just hope your supplier gives you the concentration of your product, because you need to use the right dose 3-4 times a day. I can tell you the recommended dosing of cannabinoids if you want to know more.
Is love to but my Dr would consider dirty urines as a result a reason to fire me as a patient, I asked
Yeah, me too. I'm going to check into it more and will get back to you when I know something
yes, its ok but still need medicine
Has Anyone Else Tried CBD Oil? Had Any Luck?
Has CBD Oil Or Gummies Helped Anyone With Severe Pain? Anything Over The Counter Helped?
I'm Curious I'm Wondering If You Take Cannibis Without THC Does It Cause Anxiety Or Does It Help Pain?