Anyone Else Have Little Kids And Chronic Pain?
How do you deal with living with chronic pain while dealing with your young kids? If you have a toddler or younger? Especially in your worse pain days?
Mail the children to the grandparents! Just kidding! If you can, set up a support system! Talk to friends about switching off on play dates.
I was going through chemo when my kids were little, so I kind of remember it. Blues clues videos, easy to set up crafts, reading books to them, coloring, and I napped when they did. I was really hard on myself for not being able to do everything I wanted to do, but even at that age they can be more thoughtful than the teenagers! LOL I'm with @A MyChronicPainTeam Member they can drain the life right out of you! :D Do you have friends that are close to you that could take them on the rough days even for a few hours? Play dates were a lifesaver! :D I'm so sorry that you have to go through this! <3 Big hugs!
YUP got my 2yr old N ME having to deal W my MS CHRONIC PAIN FROM 6AM TIL WHEN I HOPEFULLY Go to sleep around 1am n do it ALL OVER AGAIN :'( SHE is my WORLD BUT SOMETIMES I really don't think I can go on anymore the pain Jr SO UNBEARABLE Hurts to move to breath to laugh to do ANYTHING I SWEAR even pulling up my own pants lately has been KILLING my back more :'(
I couldn't imagine having toddler aged children with my condition. My 2 that are still at home are 16 and 15 and sometimes they seem to drain the life out of me. If you have young children, you are a warrior beyond compare!! 💜
I do nanny work with a toddler and she has gotten faster than me in the past couple of months. It's hard and I really want to give it up but am single and self-employed and it pays the bills. Stay seated on the floor as much as possible so you can scootch around. I get up like she did when she was learning to walk. Sit down while she plays outside in the water all day long.
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