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Do You Feel Like You Are Just In The Way?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Latrobe, PA

Does anyone feel like all you do is get in the way and slow everyone else down? As though everyone wants to get somewhere yesterday and you can't do so until tomorrow and so they are all ready and waiting at the door and you sometimes just end up passing on the trip, or activity, because you are still trying to get on your shoes and coat, so to speak.

November 26, 2017
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Yes, I think alot of us choose to not participate in social gatherings but, I, make up little white lie's sad to say. Mornings I cannot commit to anything. I never know from day to day how I am going to be Our life can be lonely.

December 11, 2019
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Yes especially when going up stairs. I can hear the annoyed sighs...🤔. ☮️&❤️ out. (TT).

January 8, 2020
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I use to feel that way then I lefted sorround myself around people who really care!! I know I can't be in everything I DNT even try anymore!!! Every one who knows me knows everything about me if your not gonna be nice & paitent leave me alone!!! I go places by myself it's alot easier or tell people to come get me get some snacks grab my cane I'm ready to go

September 6, 2019
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Hi all, this is a follow-up to my post from 7 months ago. The living situation with my daughter became a horrible prison. My room was so hot as the A/C vent was against a wall and pointed straight down, so even with 3 fans I was simply circulating warm air. My daughter has always been difficult to be with in person and I was wary about living with her, but since I had been in 2 different nursing homes for 16 months during the height of COVID-19 I felt like I really needed to accept her offer. Less than 2 months in things went downhill and I was existing in an overheated environment. She only helped me get to an appointment once during which she screamed at me to "Get out of my car" twice. Then, like a blessing from above, I received a phone call from my best friend. We had hit a rough patch and had not communicated for 2 years. He invited me to visit for a week, and when he picked me up and saw my living situation he was very upset. A few days into the visit he asked me to make things permanent, and my life has improved 100%. I am scheduled with a new primary care doctor next month and will be able to get my hip replacement and have a real caring atmosphere for recovery. My pain hasn't lessened, of course, but now I have hope for the future with the man I have known for 20 years and worked with for 13. I am loved and love him with all my heart. I apologize if this is too personal, but I feel that I need to share my positive story. I am back in the area I love and it is truly a fresh start and I have someone who honestly is on my side, as I am on his. I will be 70 in October and my mind once again feels "young" and able to handle my pain with more positivity and strength. I would also like some information regarding the recovery process you experienced after hip surgery. I expect to spend a short time in a physical therapy facility. I had a 10 hour back surgery to correct scoliosis in 2015 and had didn't get any physical therapy, but I took the 6 month maximum my employer allowed and was able to return to work. Unfortunately I did a back flip out of my tub/shower 4 days before I returned which necessitated a 2nd 8 hour surgery 15 months after the first surgery. I was only able to take 2 weeks off that time, and I never fully recovered. I began falling so many times and my left foot dropped, and then my legs gave out entirely due to nerve impingement from my back, landing me in the nursing home. Thanks for allowing me to share some of my chronic pain story which began in 1987. Hugs to all!

June 9, 2021
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

i feel you u have had it rough. Mayb joining this group will help you emotionally. It has helped me. I have vented on here cried with others gave my number out and shared my pain.

September 24, 2019

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