Need Help Figuring Out How To Get A New Doctor.
My doctor decided since I had physical dependence that I was an addict and she discontinued my medications and wanted me to go to methadone, I refused since the jump from 4 10mg oxycodone daily to methadone was a bit drastic for reasons that weren't true to begin with. She refused to continue seeing me when I refused MAT for addiction when I had dependence and not addiction (dependence is a predictable side effect of taking the medication for a duration of time, addiction is the uncontrollable… read more
I'm sooo sorry that happens to people. How awful. And most of the doctors are only trying to cover their own butts so they don't get in trouble with medical board. I actually drive 2 hours every month to see my Pain Doc because he is supportive and realistic. You're right, dependence is not the same as addiction.
One thing he said to me one day (which might help), is that if you have to pay out of your pocket or you go to the ER/urgent care, and show that you are serious, it might help sway opinions. If you give up too easily, then you can be viewed as a drug seeker. This conversation happened because my insurance screwed up and I had to pay out of pocket for a few months (RX and doc calls and also a $700 test for my range of motion/ability). I paid it happily because ... I needed it. It was better than the alternative. Not to be dramatic but if my pain wasn't "under control" I'd be on top of a bridge. Well, at the bottom I guess....If there was an alternative, of course I would try it. But nothing else has worked. Not acupuncture, injections, rain dances, chicken sacrifices, nothing.
Keep fighting, don't give up. Just because one doc is an idiot doesn't mean others are. I'm sure it's frightening (we all have it looming over us which is wrong to do to us) but you have no choice. Show them that...that you have no choice. The medical group you're dealing with are scared rabbits, afraid for themselves and have lost their sense of "helping their patients" so find another group.
Of course all my advice is coming from my perspective. Your life might not allow you to drive 2 hours or more just for a doctor, so take this for what it's worth....03 cents (inflation). Hugs!
Methadone does work well for chronic pain as well as Suboxone. The biggest difference is they are mu-opiods and don't have euphoric effect. I was on it for two years and it was taken away bc they said it wasn't in my urine. So no withdrawal effects but I hurt like hell and still working for benefits. I haven't been told anything has been flagged , but been without since October. At the time I was placed on it i could not afford $800/ month for meds alone. But as a nurse and patient my quality of life was much better. And I'm so tired of hearing the word ARTHRITIS.......just a name for what they can't explain. Good luck looking. I'm heading back to my PCP and go from there. Oh! According to Oxford University study only 50% of urine specimens are accurate!!
I COMPLETELY understand! Where r u located? I am in Phila., most PM drs here do epidural injections for back pain, but not much for constant full body pain or pain caused by other things. It also depends heavily on what insurance you have, PM drs here do not take Government insurance. But I have also tried to find an Endocrinologist, rheumatologist, immunologist, orthopedic....either they don't take my ins or can't get an apt til April!
I think your best bet is to call or go to your insurance company's website. If you hv's incredibly difficult. If you pay cash, most drs will see you but some won't because if they want to send you for blood work or any imaging or even therapy, most cannot afford it, so they won't even take you on as a patient because w/o the tests etc., they can't treat you further.
And get all the records from other doctors you have seen about your condition (s), pharmacy records to show you do not abuse your meds/try to get earlier than 28-30 days. When u do find a dr, have these with you and try to be calm when explaining your situation, I know it's difficult, you feel like you are on trial and have to explain and justify your's demeaning and terrible that it has gotten like this but remember, you are stronger than you think!
First, figure out what kind of doctor do you need. Is there a pain management practice in your area, for example? Call a few potential doctors and ask their staff if they have experience with chronic pain patients. Then you're going to have to personally check out the ones that are promising. I've had to change doctors twice since moving to this small, rural area where I live, and in both cases, I scoped out the doctors before switching. My current doctor understands chronic pain, and knows that it is real, not imaginary. He treats your pain realistically.
I've been on methadone since a long time, not because I was addicted, because I couldn't metabolize morphine. It helped me a lot. At 1st, methadone exist to fight pain, so I think you should follow your doctor's advice. You might be surprised of the effects and the less side effects.
Good Luck ❣
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