Anyone Want To Connect With Me To Encourage Each Other In Living A Full Life Whilst Living With Severe,debilitating,chronic Pain?
I live with 18 medical problems the most disturbing of which atm is the severe chronic pain issue.I would like to connect with people who are also in this situation,exchange mutual support & ideas,& also create a life worth living!With hopes,dreams & the reclaiming of many things I have stopped doing or aiming for.I don't mind communicating with people from various parts of the globe,but I live in Sydney,Australia & local contacts would be good.I have the condition of plantar fasceaitis & have… read more
I live in the RIVERLAND, South Australia , and am happy to chat and compare ideas and help each other with treatment ideas and anything else that might help. I have become involved in REIKI and have found this to be most helpful, as it gave me back control and I have had a quality of life return since becoming involved in this field. I still have to take certain medications but the amount of, and intensity of have been reduced. This is very helpful as I know you would appreciate, as all meds have interactive side-effects , that can be sometimes worse than the problem itself. If I can be of any help don't hesitate to ask me.
Hi Aloka. I to suffer from the terrorizing pain of low back issues..i just had a neck injection and I thought maybe was the cause of my whole pain nightmare but of course it wasn't.But I'd love to have a connection and support person in my life on this site..I'd love to have someone to share my nightmares and chronic pain issues with..My hubby tries to understand but he can only understand in his man ways..IN HIS OWN HEAD '' oh my gosh ..I just wish he'd talk to me..but whatever..Yes im younger but I've always been told I have an old soul..I think way too much and this loneliness is way too much at times..
@FrankieJo7-hello there & thanx 4 responding 2 me.Yes,suffering is suffering.I don't mind where anyone is from,really,as it will be interested in connecting with people throughout the world!Plantar fasceaitis is a strange condition-the soles of my feet-every am I wake 2 the feeling of burning,pain & itching.It actually helps when I get up & walk around but that is hard due 2 pain in other sites.I have a metal rod in L4/L5 & around there but found out yesterday that I have 2c the neurosurgeon again........which probly means I have DDD too.I feel very alone & am mindful of burdening my few friends with all this-they just seem speechless & astounded & dk what 2 say.I don't mind what anyone says so long as tis not hatespeak!I may not have much 2 give at this time,but I really appreciate the contact!Thanx A x
Hi Ali's I suffered from plantar fasciitis for months almost off my feet the pain was so bad. Eventually I got a pair of special orthotic insoles made to measure at the hospital. They supported the arch in my foot and it slowly improved. I still have them and if I feel a twinge I wear them for a week or so. I don't want to wear them all the time in case they fall to bits. I have many autoimmune problems and, live in pain everyday. I do try not to let it stop me living my life. I would love to be in contact but I live in Scotland, a bit far. Take care and let us know how you are getting on.
I would be happy to communicate with you, @A MyChronicPainTeam Member. But I live in Ridgedale, Missouri, in the USA. A long way from you. And I don't suffer nearly as much as your apparently do, but suffering is suffering, isn't it. I have no idea what Plantar Fasceaitis is, but it sounds bad to me. I simply have Degenerative Disc Disease. Other than having had a heart attack in 2012, I have no problems except some minor arthritis. which is a result or, or contributor to the DDD. So I am here, ready to encourage, commiserate, and generally help you in any way I can.
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