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Has Anyone Been Wrongly Deemed Drug-dependent By A Doctor?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
Melbourne, AU

I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has been misidentified as a drug addict due to their pain condition. I would also be grateful to hear how this has affected your illness and quality of life? Please find my story below;

I suffer from a painful bladder condition, interstitial cystitis. In early February I stayed overnight at my partner's house. He was not working the following day and we had a rare opportunity to spend it together. I had undergone a DSMO treatment for my interstitial… read more

October 13, 2016
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I have had an ER doc treat me like I was there just for pain meds, I had just had surgery to remove a port a cath from my chest & was there to have the packing changed. It was in my orders that I was to get a pain shot 15 min before nurses changed the packing, due to how much pain it would cause on top of the daily pain I'm in anyway. Thankfully the head ER nurse overheard conversation & set him straight. She Even told him to go look at my chart so, he could see for himself that I've never came to the ER just for pain meds! He said he was sorry but, it was followed by an excuse about there being a lot of people that are just pain med seekers. I replied that may be true but in the future please consult each patients chart before passing judgement on them, and if still has doubts then ask one of the regular nurses.

October 26, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Omg hun that sounds horrible. I have never had this happen but i have been refused pain medication by other drs when my usual drs weren't available and ended up in hospital (which made things 100 times worse).
As for this dr i dont think you will get an appology unless he was made to by some big person ie Department of Health or a judge. I would seriously email DOH and explain the situation and even say how because of this it can seriously ruin your chances of future employment. And tell them that you have relevant scans letters etc saying that you have a seriously painful condition etc. I hope that you are able to get somewhere with this. Looking forward to updates.

October 14, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

Get a lawyer.

April 2, 2017
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

How did this turn out @A MyChronicPainTeam Member? My doctor labeled me drug dependent, took me off my pain meds said she wanted me to go to a MAT facility for methadone. I refused. Dependence does not equal addiction and physical dependence is a predictable side effect from being on the drugs for lengths of time. I now cannot find a different PCP and she has stopped seeing me. I have 3 tumors in the vertebra of my t-spine in multiple levels, degenerative disc disease resulting in bone spurs at multiple levels and bulging discs etc. I am currently unable to find a doctor who will treat me after the things she wrote in my file. How can I get help? Should I call a lawyer? I've been off pain meds since early August and am worried I can't take this much more. What did you do to get it taken care of? Where do I go? I filed a complaint with the hospital and got nowhere....

December 10, 2016 (edited)
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

My daughter 10 years ago at 15, was depressed over a boy, she was on @Paxil for ADD type disorder, she took 6 instead of 1, got scared and told me. I called her doctor and he said bring her to ER for a level just to be sure, but should be fine, and he'd see her in two days. Well the hospital social worker was a hateful person. She deemed her danger to herself, I was right there, nothing gave her a reason. They locked my daughter up for a week. She was traumatized. But once home worked through, is fine and never did this again. Since that incident she is refused any pain relief because the hospital red flagged her. She was in a wreck, nothing, Awful ear infection nothing, Appendicitis, nothing, Ruptured Ovarian cyst and she's 25 nothing. They don't care how long it's been and that her @Paxil level remained therapeutic that whole week, they will not respond to her pain. I think it's wrong and sad. I've watched known druggies that use for high or sell go out with pain meds and my girl lays there screaming. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.

October 25, 2016 (edited)

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