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What Bits Of "advice" Do You Wish People Would Stop Telling You?

A MyChronicPainTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Francisco, CA
October 9, 2016
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member

To be honest if you are like me, after this pain for so long we probably know more about it than our Doctors. No one knows unless they are trying to deal with it.

October 11, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

The Ex Inlaws favorite....."Give it to God"
Yet have others that are so damn annoying one being: " You're not a man unless you work go get a job and you'll feel better"

"Suck it up it just in your head"

You can not fake the MRI results showing crooked screws from spinal fusion rubbing up on nerves. You cannot fake MRI results showing dengenerative disc disease or other herniated discs. You cannot fake the ALL CONSUMING ....every thought...movement....breath.....etc of the agnozing annoying non-stop pain that youd imagine some one enduring as punishment in hell... For an eternity. But its not an eternity...just a lifetime....your lifetime of suffering .....while fighting to keep a smile on your face AND your heart while struggling to not give in to the pain but instead to push through it everyday with all you've got.....THAT cannot be faked either.
Oops im rambling...sorry....just one of those days.

October 18, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

I've learned not to mention any pain comments to anyone, especially my family. Having become further discouraged and depressed by eye rolling, heavy sighs, angry/sarcastic responses, lectures, etc., I've found keeping quiet brings me more peace than being honest.

October 9, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

oh and .... I know just how you feel, I had back ache last week. YES LAST WEEK, for a whole week you've had back ache, now try having that 24/7 for the last 15 years and knowing that it is not going to go away!

October 19, 2016
A MyChronicPainTeam Member

You know if you would lose weight it would help your joint. Yes it's a little tricky in a wheel chair

October 9, 2016

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