Anyone Have A Family And/or Friends Who Understand Why You Continue To Cancel Plans/why You Have To Leave Early/why You Are Not Smiling ?
After about say 20 years of the same answers to family and friends, sorry i cannot stay up that late. or my pain hurts too much for me to stay here, I can't sit on hard surfaces or any other reasons we have. The Friends tend to dwindle away, and the Family say they understand but you can see it on their faces oh no again with "pain" I put it to you that if anyone who is not going through this 24/7 365 then they do NOT understand at all. You can reference the time they were in the… read more
Hi Kathleen When time goes on, I am speaking year after year, even family gets sick of hearing why one cannot go do that particular activity. Especially when it is a family activity then all of a sudden you as the one in pain who cannot physically go do that, ... YOU are then the one who is not caring about the family. It becomes an ugly circle, and you have to put a stop to it ASAP. I wish I wrote that letter years ago,
As to your poiint of friends yes you hit it on the head they do drop off.
No one can understand. Even my sweet hubby is loosing patience. It has been almost 4 years and due to 6 back surgeries and lots of meds I have to lay down a lot and can't work. A year ago my disability stopped paying and we are still waiting on SS. Depression gets worse as time goes by. This is not how I wanted to spend my late 30s and early 40s.
Most Of my family don't understand, and I've lost all my friends, I have one best friend but I'm even distancing myself from her because she is copying symptoms from me.. it's so hard being ill, in pain and alone all the time.. I have my girls and my mum and dad but they don't really understand although my mum is starting to cos she's just been put on a patch for back pain, but really I just feel alone all the time.. hope you're ok and know that I'm here for you and anyone anytime x big hugs xx
Hi VickiJ; I know who you can count on....go to your nearest mirror look deeply and you will see the only person you can count on.
hope your pain level is down
Getting your symptoms I had a friend that use to scream at her ankle now that is caring it a bit far. Scared me to death first time I heard her!!! Dealing with people can be a problem want you to suck it up . Most cases we have been sucking it up for yrs. Hope this find's you in better spirits. Take care Doris
Does Anyone Else Have Family Members Who Don't Fully Understand Your Chronic Pain?
Do You Feel Like You Are Just In The Way?
Do You Feel That People Think That Your Pain Is All In Your Head?