Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between Generic And Name Brand Medicine? Or Even Different Generics?
I'm in pain because of switching from one generic topamax to another. Does anyone else have experience with this or something similar?
Yes I have even though I've been told there is no difference I have to generic pain killers as none generic just don't work I've even had a friend do a blind test on me & it came out generic each time as I was beginning to think it was pyscological so for me there is no question
I take Topamax but can't take the generic brands.
The main active ingredient is the same but it's the fillers they use that are different and I have a reaction to it.
I talked to the pharmacist and did my own research. Generics have to have the same active ingredient and be formulated the same as the patented drug. But the fillers are different and that makes what is called the "bioavailability" of the drug sometimes quite different for individual people. What that means is I may not absorb and use one generic as well as I do another brand of generics
Thats really good know about the fillers in what is suppose to be the same drug. My daughters had a simular problem with her anti anxiety medication.
No I'm not. I would never play around with my topamax but my pharmacy just changed my generic and it's like @A MyChronicPainTeam Member said, the fillers are different and my body isn't accepting it the way I should. As a result, I'm having terrible headaches again :/
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Do Different Brands Of Meds Work The Same?