Is Anyone On Or Has Been On Zoloft?
What was your experiences with this medication as this is what I’ll be put on after slowly weaning off of Cymbalta
Zoloft or Wellbutrin are common exchanges for [[treatment:Cymbalta.:5744c4716b4dcc379e000aaa]].. It's so individual the way we each react. You do have to let the Medication build to a level over a few… read more
Has Anyone Used Zoloft And Wellbutrin? Do They Work Well Together?
Currently taking wellbutrin foot pain/depression. But seem to maybe need help with serotonin balance.
@CeceliaOUCH, because they were of the mind that my pain was in my head... they were treating my mind with the Wellbutrin. No it doesn’t help with pain, and it made me sink into a deeper depression… read more
Has Anyone Received Pain Relief From Taking Psychiatric Medication?
I've been on the psychiatric medication Abilify for a month now and I have noticed that I've haven't had this pain in my neck like I had before
I was wondering if anyone else had success with pain relief from using any type of mental health medication
I read online from the few other blog sites that some people have had success with pain management by taking small doses of Abilify.
I'm still not a hundred percent pain-free but I can definitely tell there has been an improvement.
Can… read more
I am on cymbalta its ok
How Do You Cope When You Feel Physically And Mentally Exhausted?
I struggle daily with various pains but usually push through and continue to work my 8hour days at work. More and more recently I am struggling with not only the physical tiredness but the mental tiredness. I spend most of my days complaining how tired I feel get home and physically feel like I can’t move or do anything else. I cannot seem to shake this feeling
@A MyChronicPainTeam Member, I will eat the passion fruit 1hen it's ripe.
Abilify And Weight Loss Has Anyone Else Experienced This?
I'm only about 30 Days in of taking the medication Abilify which is for bipolar depression and I've already experienced a 20 pound weight loss so far.
H as anyone else lost weight on this medication if so can you let me know?
Im also curious about any other side effects people might be experiencing on this medication like restlessness during the night or feel hyper during the day?
I'm feeling wonderful. Finally happy with me as a person. Ready to start dating.
Does Anyone Have Either Or Both Of These Diagnosis And If So Do You Ever Get More Than 40-50% Pain Relief And If So What Do You Take?!?
I've had Stellite Ganglion Blocks, Lidocaine Patches, Fentanyl, Methadone, Norco, Morphine, Cymbalta, Lyrica, Cortisone, Valium, Zanaflex, Protonix, Wellbutrin and the one thing that worked but no one will pay for because it's $1100.00 for a 30 day supply is Exalgo. Not all at once but a lot at a time. HELP!!! I hurt so bad!!!! 😡
Serotonin (5-HT) For Pain Management
Has anyone tried serotonin (5-HT) for pain management? Serotonin is available on line and lots of information in the literature about serotonin playing role in pain modulation. If you have tried it would love to hear from you.
I have tried Kratom, poppy seed tea, CBD oil & MM. Still looking for alternative to pain meds
Ok, read National Geographics magazine Jan 2020 called PAIN
And a Book: STOP the Pain, the Six to Fix, Dr. Scott K. Hannen
Best to articles on Pain and helping your self. It damages on if you want to… read more
For Those Experienced With Cymbalta, What Are Your Thoughts About It?
Thanks to the Facebook page "Cymbalta Hurts Worse", more people are able to educate themselves about this drug. Personally, I think it should only be used as a last resort after diet, exercise, safer meds, and treatments have failed. I take that back - I believe it should be thrown out due to the harm it has brought to the lives of so many people. If you are one of the few lucky ones that have had luck with it - that is wonderful! I still like to caution as many people as possible before they… read more
How Does Everyone Deal With Their Pain Levels When The Weather Changes?
Have You Tried A Pain Psychologist ?
Recently started seeing a Pain Psychologist!! After decades of PAIN, Stanford University offered me a Pain Psychologist. I thought how ridiculous but travel the 600 miles round trip for my 45 minute appointment which has changed my world of Pain. It doesn’t take away the pain. It doesn’t minimize the pain. But it does help me Deal with the pain in ways I never imagined. Did you know that 20 minutes of diaphoretic breathing ( belly breathing) a day for 5 weeks retrains you’re brain to deal… read more
Thanks for the information and I will. Appreciate it.