Cervical Fusions
Just got back from the neurologist, not good. many years ago i had a fusion of c-4,5, & 6. Now the other levels are bad and he wants to do a fusion of c-3 thru t-2. Has anyone had this done?
Doctors will soon take away the Percocet after 20 yrs took mine
Are You Concerned About Losing Your Medications Or Have You Already Lost Them?
Is anyone staying abreast of this whole #opioidscrisis #opioidepidemic #dea #Kolondny going on?
And, are you concerned about losing your medications or have you already lost them?
I've lost most of my opioids(70% taken away) and IVIG treatment for Immune Mediated Small Fiber Neuropathy (polyneuropathy in my own case). They also took my benzo away at the end of 2018, but… read more
How Do You Handle Losing The Abilities You Had? I Went From Sorta Disabled To Completely Within A Year. It’s Terrifying And Confusing
I hope to see you in a movie or a play at the Fox Theater in Atlanta some day! I don't know your health issues so only you can decide if you can wait until after graduation to go to the Mayo. I do… read more
What Do Folks Think About Medical Marijuana And Chronic Pain? So Sick Of Pills And Don't Want To Do Another Back Surgery!!
I use medical marijuana for pain also. I’ve used it for years now. Smoking it gets a quick relief, I find a balance of THC and CBD works best for me. The closer to 1:1 ratio the better
Edibles are… read more
False Accusations For Pain Meds
i am in and out of hosp and er-til pain clinic said i could never go and if not conscious then someone else has to tell them the only thing they can do is ivs--i throw up alot from gastroparemisis---and other things.
i have proof i didnt do anything or take anything or buy anything
i lost family and church just by the fact i needed to take meds to be able to move.--i did train service dogs to help me too since no one else will.
i was accused of having morphine in urine and then… read more
I'm so sorry you both have this horrible cliff hanger lingering over you both ... honestly not sure where located but I'm in Scotland and I have never been made to feel this way!! I was tested before… read more
I have been suffering extreme fatigue for the past 5 weeks. I have never ever felt like this. I can't even drag myself out of bed of a morning. Anybody else have a sudden onset of fatigue. The only common factor I can think of is I started taking Palexia around the same time as well as Champix.
I have known a few people on Palexia, apparently it is the newer type drug. I was only on 50mgs. I have stopped it but still have the fatigue so not too sure whether this was the cause. Just… read more
I Have Fibromyalgia. What Helps You The Most With Pain And Fatigue?
I have tried @Lyrica and it seems to mess with my balance and vision.
How much iodine and tyrosine do you take per day? Thank you in advance.
What Do You Do When The Pain Is So Bad That You Are Screaming Into The Pillow "please Make It Stop!"
I lost my primary care physician a year ago when he retired and left me with no doctor. FYI: In my state that is against the law! Now because of the whole "opioid epidemic" no doctor in my town will touch me! I can't even find any of these 1000's of pain meds that are sold on every street corner! Believe me, that is BS! So for a year I have suffered, alone. It has gotten so bad, I can't walk across the room without using a cane
And there are days like today when all I can do is scream… read more
What Kind Of Pain Meds Work For Arthritis?
So far they have been unable to help me as I am allergic to codeine
Have you tried antiinflamtorys?
How To Set SMALL Goals When You're In Pain?
Having dealt with back & neck pain plus Depression for 2 years Im trying to motivate myself to set SMALL goals
For example
my biggest motivation right now is losing weight so I've decided to set small goals by treating my daily workouts like they are a "JOB" .
My first small goal is to get out of bed every single morning brush my teeth , take a bath ,get dressed , comb my hair. Then do some type of exercise by 9 am.
This may not seem like a big goal but I became so sick that I could… read more
Stay strong we are here for you I. Found some friends leave you.because you or myself haven't same lifestyle.its awful I. Been their know still the same I need a helping hand I go to bed early than I… read more