Good Afternoon. Do You Feel That People Are More Likely To Take Advantage Of You Because Chronic Pain? We Get Brain Fog😂.
There is an organization that helps with kids. It is called Team Advocates For Special Kids. It is on the internet. They help parents and kids. They have classes too. I am 70 years old. My daughter just graduated as a LVN. Lots of tears. Please don’t give up. It is a lot of work. You are worth it🌹.
I understand. When I had back surgery, I was raising a teenager. She has a disability which I don’t want to share about. There were lots of disagreements. It is definitely very challenging when you are dealing with our own health issues. My ex was a Vietnam veteran. That is another story. I get it. Please take at least 30 minutes a day for yourself. “You can’t give from an empty cup☕️”. One day at a time. Today was awful. The pain meds were not working. I made myself lay down. Also took gabapentin. That seemed to help. Prayers your way 🌹
My eldest son takes advantage a lot. He’s also a teenager. He knows it’s difficult for me to keep on top of him about school and doing his chores. I hate getting emails or phone calls about how he is failing high school because I don’t have the energy to push him past his auto response of “schools fine”
No I do not feel like they are going to take advantage of me. I don’t tell people about my medical history it’s not there business. It seems like every one has an opinion about pain medications so I just be quiet.
Why Are We Being Treaing Like We Are Bad People Because We Are In Pain
I Have A Shoulder Injury And Am Wondering If Anyone Has Used Meloxicam For Pain And Was It Successful
Has Anyone Else Felt That Other People Take Advantage Of Them? Being On Pain Meds And Agonizing Pain Causes Brain Fog.