Diet For Diverticulitis?
I’m really struggling with my daily dietary intake to control the pain and help me with bowel movements, I eat a healthy diet with 5 a day fresh fruit and vegetables, ensuring my fibre is high, i eat regularly and have my main meal in the evenings and I drink 2litres + of spring water. My bowel movements at the moment they’re all over the place, one day diarrhoea and the next constipation 😢
I've learned over the past thirty years that my IBS is exacerbated by my mental state, regardless of my diet. I don't know if you have considered that, so I am mentioning it.
Burning stabbing pain that varies in intensity on a pain scale between 6-9.
How painful. I'm sorry.
Chronic Pin
Had Anyone Ever Had There Belly Swell Like This?
Dr Shaming