Are You Frustrated With Finding Effective Treatments For Chronic Pain?
Hey! I’ve struggled with chronic pain for 61 years. I’m getting better. I’m off the hydrocodone and no more steroids, either.
I gave up sugar. Yes, that will make you cry for the first week or two. Don’t do it too quickly or you might feel slightly out of control.
I have weaned my Xanax to a bare minimum. But WITH medical supervision.
Same with Tizanidine. WITH medical supervision.
I hydrate 100 ounces per day, especially when it’s this crazy hot! Check with your doctor BEFORE you increase your fluid intake. Use sugarless and unflavored and stevia-free electrolyte replacements. The best ones are available at Sprouts and Natural Grocers. Or just drink Fuji water or Smart water. It’s not cheap but it’s safe.
I’m also 2 months into serious acupuncture with an M.D. qualified provider. Don’t go to some random cheap one just because it’s a good deal. I can give you references directly from mine.
Keep up your protein intake. Move more but don’t hurt yourself. Try seated Tai Chi or gentle yoga. YouTube videos are available. Don’t just lie in bed unless you cannot walk. Get up at least every hour and do light stretches near your safe bed and don’t fall. Back stretches that can and should be done before you try to sleep and before you try to get out of bed are very useful. YouTube videos for those, too.
I skipped pain management and am now getting referred to KU Med Center in KS KS. Previous doctoring made things worse, especially any pain meds and steroids.
Be very very careful and don’t give up hope. I didn’t and it took me decades, but I’m getting better every day.
I have had pain since I was 23 which is 56 years ago it is a deteriorating condition that needs managed but will only get worse. I have had a number of other quite serious problems over the years but a few years ago other problems surfaced and 3 months ago a doctor I have never seen and knows nothing about me took me off a drug that I have been on for a long time called Diclofenic it is a NSAI & I have known for a long time that it has side effects & it may be contributing to the latest problems (I am not convinced) primarily because coming off did not help but treating the anaemia I had DID. When he took me off he said your on enough other meds you don't need it anyway!! He had not asked me anything about my pain, anyway I have been managing it for decades so I thought I'll give it a try. I now struggle to mobilise and am in constant pain no matter what I take. The kicker in all of this is that until I retired after surgery I was a Pain Specialist ....that was my job for 30 years. So my advice or comment to you all is to try different things gel, (hot or cold) heat pads (esp to the person with the sore neck) gentle exercises. Try taking pain killers at slightly different times Don't allow yourself to get constipated you do not absorb meds well if you are. I have been taking CBD oil 300mg per ml (I keep it for early morning & take 1 ml 10 mins before getting up but. No one med or treatment works for everyone and unfortunately addicts are good at mimicking our problems so if they look sceptical that is why I will challenge the DR again when I see him. You are allowed to ask for explanations. I wish all of you well keep trying until you find what gives you the best result you think you can get & lastly DO NOT let anyone tell you you are not in pain when you are They need to walk a mile in your shoes to know. Take care all
I use a large icepack for my low back pain when really bad.
I have been going to a pain center. I'm not a candidate for opioids because of a med I have to take (a benzodiazapine) so I have tried the injections. They don't work. At least for my lower back. And I refuse to have the implants! So yes, they are making lots of money 💰.
Absolutely, been frustrated. So much so that last year I gave up trying. Decided to forgo all procedures, meds, injections etc...All I was ever given was many different types of cortisone. I had gained so much weight over a course of 7 years(40lbs during Covid-19).
What I discovered was the pain was the same...with or without injections. Some days more bearable. The cold and rainy days were the killer days. With or without treatment.
What did help was cognitive therapy, aqua therapy and some holistic therapies.
Diet change is a must, anti-inflammatory diet works wonders.
Aqua therapy is the best to build up the core muscles. Which in turn helps my back pain.
Not so much for my knees OA.
OA in my knees thus year back on extended release injections. Works wonders especially due to I am bone on bone and now my legs are turning inwards(bow legged).
I do not have money but if I did I would opt for cell regeneration to build my cartilage(use own bloodcells).
My back started feeling better when I would hutch forward during last year.
2024 Decided to start back at Aqua therapy 4 sessions already feeling my core. Last March got extended release injections in both my knees still at present date bearable.
Hope I answered your question with my experience without knowledge of where your chronic pain stems from...
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