How Are Y’all Coping?
My chronic pain is relatively new and it has disrupted my life a great deal. It’s ruined relationships and it’s taken great effect on my emotional and mental wellbeing. How are you guys getting through it? No one in my family seems to understand especially since I’m only 19. I feel so alone and just don’t know what to do
Welcome to this group...... so sorry to hear about what you are going through..... this group is really great and understanding.....
Your not alone. We understand eachothers situation. Big or small. We care more for the person then we receive back. Hurts more than the pain it self. I try to hard to make it work. 😪 im here for most of my so-called friends. Help them. But there to busy. Family gets mad. But not understand why my now ex. 😕 ive live alone before. Not a problem. Just hate loneliness. No ones available. Anyways, we can on here support eachother . But i like sitting with someone that understands. 😁 have a good day. Im here.
Hi Lillian. First, I am sorry you have chronic pain. I have pain in my belly and nausea almost every day, which is caused by severe anxiety and depression. I get so frustrated and discouraged. I try to read, watch something funny on tv or a movie. I study Spanish and paint and draw. These things distract me for awhile unless the pain is intense. Then I take medication and sleep. I know exercise is helpful, but I haven't been exercising because I don't like to swim indoors in winter. I will start soon since summer is coming. Yoga, meditation, prayer, exercise, music, talking and meeting with friends, and getting a chore finished are all things that can distract us from focusing on the pain. I do not always do these things , but I am going to try to incorporate them into my life. Let me hear from you about your coping skills. I could surely use some help.
I know how you feel
Thank you @A MyChronicPainTeam Member I will definitely try to utilize those options because falling asleep has been a real battle. I have an appointment with my pcp tomorrow and hopefully she’ll be of more help than the hospital doctors were
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