What are your feelings or what do you do when your grown children have not really accepted your Chronic Pain from an auto accident for over 20 years. No reaching out to help unless a few times when we gave asked (begged?). We see them about 3 - 4 times a year, if we plan it. They are approx 40 years old. Good people, but are not compassionate about their parents. We don't complain, we don't discuss things a lot, because it upsets them. So we talk about them, things that are fun and try to… read more
It’s the same way here my daughter is 45. She has fibromyalgia etc like I do...and a 13-year-old boy. Her husband helps a lot but she’s so overwhelmed. In fact they’re both overwhelmed. He’s busy with his career and she’s just trying to make it day by day. I remember being in my 40s and not wanting to deal with my parents issues. She was there for me when I was in the hospital. So I know she would be later. I know it’s very disappointing isn’t it.
Opps, that's 3 children lol
I have 30 children in their 30's 2 boys and a girl ,(with a granddaughter. Like any lottery I have won my daughter and older brother but my youngest son is attached at the hip to his mom and her opinion of my pain. She used it for a divorce. I was calm, I got all my med records from. Jan 31/85 ,up to 2010sp now I tell anyone who questions my pain I point them to t
The tribunal that decided I can't work and my disability is no recognized
Chat cat, I'm all ears, tell me in depth (no pressure) your story in your own words, I have lived with this for 38 years and I try to be as supportive as I can be.
KitCarson "Tribunal" - That gave me a laugh! I am so sick and tired of people telling my story, but will not ask me my story. It is definitely slanted and it's not in my favor! :) Of course, the story isn't in my favor anyway, but you understand.
I appreciate your I know it's hard to talk about at times!
Shoulder Replacement
Why Are We Being Treaing Like We Are Bad People Because We Are In Pain
Is DEA Going To Crack Down On Those Who Take Pain Meds For Real Pain More Than What They Have Done Already?