Pain Relief After Surgery
Has anyone had surgery not related to the spine? How was your pain control handled during your recovery?
Left knee meniscectomy 12/21/2022 here. My surgeon deferred my pain mgmt to my regular pain mgmt practice. They gave me a week's worth of a higher dose of opioid than I regularly take, but then kind of threw me under the bus! Since it was the holiday season and they were off, I couldn't get a message to them, so by the time I got through it was supposedly "too late" for them to send in another higher-dose rx, grr. I just started my post-op PT and I can barely stand the pain in my knee!!
I had gall bladder surgery. I was in lot of pain because I moved 2 days before surgery. Actually moved out and left abusive husband. I had a truck parked with all my stuff. I had the surgery on 08/30/2019 and on 08/31/2019, movers came in to unload parked truck into storage. Then I had to drive the truck to return at the location. I had a minor 13 years old son with me only. My gallbladder surgery recovery became little tough. Well glad all that is passed now, don't have to think about it anymore. I don't know how all that was done. I believe that there was someone else's strength God gave me that I did all that
I had my right caritod artery scrapped and was given a muscle's still numb though ..the surgery made my jaws hurt more...
Shoulder Replacement
Why Are We Being Treaing Like We Are Bad People Because We Are In Pain
Is DEA Going To Crack Down On Those Who Take Pain Meds For Real Pain More Than What They Have Done Already?